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RSS/ATOM 記事 (16728)
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ここに表示されている RSS/ATOM 記事を RSS と ATOM で配信しています。
Russian finance flows slump after US targets Putin’s war machine
from UK homepage (2024/5/6 5:00:28)
from UK homepage (2024/5/6 5:00:28)
Washington’s crackdown shows its leverage over global banking system
Government accuses Qatari-funded satellite channel of being a ‘mouthpiece for Hamas’ and a threat to national security
ArcelorMittal warns that one of its main divisions could quit UK
from UK homepage (2024/5/6 2:03:06)
from UK homepage (2024/5/6 2:03:06)
Steel group objects to Chatham Docks plan as it would have ‘seismic adverse consequences’ on the national economy
Endorsements come as exclusive talks end without deal and Sony and Apollo push rival $26bn offer
Governing party’s local election results were about as bad as they could have been
What do local poll results tell us about the state of UK politics?
from UK homepage (2024/5/6 0:06:32)
from UK homepage (2024/5/6 0:06:32)
Labour support was spread widely but Downing Street grasps national projection of 7-point gap as cause for hope
Sullivan says US military aid will help Ukraine mount counteroffensive in 2025
from UK homepage (2024/5/5 21:59:52)
from UK homepage (2024/5/5 21:59:52)
National security adviser says supplies and weapons approved by Congress could help stop Russian gains
Despite the Republican candidate’s criminal charges, the US election is on a knife edge
Chinese president’s first trip to region since 2019 comes amid rising tensions
from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/5/5 16:40:36)
from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/5/5 16:40:36)
西極山は四極山の誤記ではないかと推察されるが、確実なことは不明である。回答プロセス:1.自館OPACにてキーワード「四極山」で検索。『語り継ぐ日本の歴史と文学』 がヒット。p9より「万葉歌枕『四極山』」にて解説あり。こちらの表記はすべて「四極山」。2.自館OPACにてキーワード「西極山」で検索。ヒットなし。3.『愛知県市街地図集第2部』を参照すると、吉良町と一色町の境に 「▲ 四極山 標高204.3m」 とあり。正式な山名は四極山のようである。4.西尾市に合併する以前の吉良町と一色町の境に位置していることがわかったので、町史を参照。『吉良町誌』P463-464、『幡豆町誌』P8-9、『幡豆町史 本文編1』 P141-145 に四極山に関する記述あり。5.また、1の資料から、四極山は万葉集に詠まれた山であることが分かったので、万葉集 ...
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