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言語能力概念と多文化共生 --「福井市営住宅入居事務取扱要綱」をめぐる問題を手がかりに--
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2011/3/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2011/3/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: 言語能力概念と多文化共生 --「福井市営住宅入居事務取扱要綱」をめぐる問題を手がかりに--著者: 塚原, 信行
Not FoundThe requested URL /cgi-bin/odb-get.exe was not found on this server.
from 国立国会図書館インターネット資料収集保存事業(WARP)-新着情報 (2010/4/1 13:00:00)
from 国立国会図書館インターネット資料収集保存事業(WARP)-新着情報 (2010/4/1 13:00:00)
from 国立国会図書館インターネット資料収集保存事業(WARP)-新着情報 (2010/3/12 13:00:00)
from 国立国会図書館インターネット資料収集保存事業(WARP)-新着情報 (2010/3/12 13:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2010/3/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2010/3/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: 大学での外国語学習における遠隔通信技術活用のための授業デザインに関する考察著者: 塚原, 信行抄録: This paper describes the experience of Spanish classes at the Aichi Prefectura! University in cooperation with the University of Barcelona (Spain) and tries to point out some factors to develop course design to maximize the efficiency of the use of network technologies in the classroom. In recent years, the introduction of network technologies into the foreign language classroom has become easier and less expensive and has provided us with a new possibility to face a real problem occurring in the class. However, if the course design does not take its peculiarity into account, we cannot benefit from the introduced technologies. In response to that, we adopted PDSA cycle and made the entire course "session driven". One of the advantages of PDSA cycle is its potentiality to act as a trigger to foster independent learners. Even though so ...
Development of a New Method of Subcriticality Measurement Based on the Concept of Imaginary Neutron Source
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2008/3/24 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2008/3/24 9:00:00)
タイトル: Development of a New Method of Subcriticality Measurement Based on the Concept of Imaginary Neutron Source著者: 川口(田中), 真一
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