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RSS/ATOM 記事 (20353)
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ここに表示されている RSS/ATOM 記事を RSS と ATOM で配信しています。

Ultra-processed and fast food is everywhere — and causing us harm
from UK homepage (2024/8/19 1:00:43)
from UK homepage (2024/8/19 1:00:43)
It’s time we saw these products for what they are, stripped of their disingenuous branding
Lawrence Wong says ‘intensifying rivalry’ between Beijing and Washington is his nation’s biggest concern
Former home secretary received nearly £60,000 for appearances from US to India
We must save Ukrainians from catastrophic winter energy shortages
from UK homepage (2024/8/18 21:00:43)
from UK homepage (2024/8/18 21:00:43)
A pre-emptive international effort is needed now to blunt the impact of Russia’s deliberate destruction of infrastructure
What clues will Jackson Hole provide about the timing of US rate cuts?
from UK homepage (2024/8/18 20:00:43)
from UK homepage (2024/8/18 20:00:43)
Market Questions is the FT’s guide to the week ahead
Kamala Harris gains ground with crucial Hispanic voters in swing state that could decide 2024 US election
Known for chiselled good looks, the film star shot to fame playing murderers and hitmen
A drive to attract factories must not overlook the country’s huge potential in services
Ukraine blows up bridges to consolidate its positions in Russia
from UK homepage (2024/8/18 18:35:01)
from UK homepage (2024/8/18 18:35:01)
Moscow fails to push back Kyiv’s forces from Kursk region
from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/8/18 17:22:58)
from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/8/18 17:22:58)
下記の通り関連資料をお知らせします。武生市史編纂委員会∥編. 武生市史 概説篇. 武生市, 1976.12:p326;https://dl.ndl.go.jp/pid/3012259/1/187 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション図書館・個人送信限定資料(参照 2024/10/27)・・・「漢詩」の項に、松村半川の名前があり、武生市(現越前市)の人物であったことがわかります。浜田活三 編『忘機集』下,浜田活三,大正6.https://dl.ndl.go.jp/pid/926939/1/24 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション図書館・個人送信限定資料(参照 2024/10/27)・・・松村半川の肖像写真と、「名茂隆越前人」との記載があります。福井県立図書館∥共編 福井県図書館協会∥共編. 福井県所在別郷土誌料綜合目録 第3集. 福井県立図書館, 1954.3【H025/H5/52-3B】:p192;https://dl.ndl.go.jp/pid/3451081/1/104 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション図書 ...
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