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ここに表示されている RSS/ATOM 記事を RSS と ATOM で配信しています。
Macron’s reckless gamble leaves French voters with invidious choice
from UK homepage (2024/7/1 8:21:45)
from UK homepage (2024/7/1 8:21:45)
Millions will have to opt between supporting the far right or a bloc dominated by the far left in parliamentary elections
Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella — the French far-right’s ticket to rule
from UK homepage (2024/7/1 4:02:07)
from UK homepage (2024/7/1 4:02:07)
The party leader anointed her youthful protégé as prime minister in waiting but office may come sooner than either expected
Sunak says UK a better place to live after 14 years of Tory rule
from UK homepage (2024/7/1 2:10:18)
from UK homepage (2024/7/1 2:10:18)
PM insists he is on course to win despite polls forecasting a crushing defeat
French election as it happened: Far-right dominates first round of voting
from UK homepage (2024/7/1 1:56:36)
from UK homepage (2024/7/1 1:56:36)
Emmanuel Macron’s centrists expected to slump to third place
The Conservatives have run out of road. Labour must be given a chance to govern
Voter expectations at odds with Labour investment plans, polling data suggests
from UK homepage (2024/7/1 0:05:01)
from UK homepage (2024/7/1 0:05:01)
Only 2% of supporters expect party to cut public investment if it takes power, says YouGov poll
Central banks should set a ‘high bar’ for interest rate cuts, BIS warns
from UK homepage (2024/6/30 18:06:09)
from UK homepage (2024/6/30 18:06:09)
Umbrella body for central banks highlights risk of flare-up in services prices and wage growth
Election-betting probe tests watchdog’s ability to handle an investigation outside sporting arena
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