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今月の特集「New Archived Websites」を掲載(2022年3月1日)
from 国立国会図書館インターネット資料収集保存事業(WARP)-新着情報 (2022/3/1 0:00:00)
from 国立国会図書館インターネット資料収集保存事業(WARP)-新着情報 (2022/3/1 0:00:00)
2022年3月の特集「New Archived Websites」を掲載しました。
Verb Prefixes in the Tangut (Xixia) Tiansheng Code: Verbs for ‘Send Document’ and Their Prefixes
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2022/2/28 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2022/2/28 9:00:00)
タイトル: Verb Prefixes in the Tangut (Xixia) Tiansheng Code: Verbs for ‘Send Document’ and Their Prefixes著者: SATO, Takayasu抄録: The Tiansheng Code is a code of the Xixia Kingdom published in the mid-to-late twelfth century, written in the Tangut language. This code laid down about 1, 400 articles on such matters as punishment and administrative affairs. Many types of verbs and prefixes were used in this code. Nishida Tatsuo suggested based on other Tangut texts that there are two series of prefixes—one that originally functioned as directional markers and then developed to express the perfective aspect (“prefix series 1”), and another (“prefix series 2”) that represents an “optative” meaning. In this paper, I examined the use of prefixes in this code to test his suggestion. First, I researched three articles of this code that regulated the format of official documents sent between government departments. We find three variants of the verb meaning ‘send d ...
Directional Prefixes in Tangut and Mu-nya: A Contrastive Study
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2022/2/28 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2022/2/28 9:00:00)
タイトル: Directional Prefixes in Tangut and Mu-nya: A Contrastive Study著者: ARAKAWA, Shintaro; IKEDA, Takumi抄録: Tangut is an extinct language spoken during Xixia 西夏 dynasty (AD 1038-1227) by the people who settled in the northwestern part of China. Mu-nya (Muya 木雅) is a language spoken in the Sichuan Province in southwest China. These two languages belong to the Tibeto-Burman language group. Since the Mu-nya people share the same ethnic name with the ancient Tangut people, which corresponds to Minyag in written Tibetan, the relationship between these two languages concerns many scholars. They agree that these two languages share cognates and similar typological constructions, one of which is that both languages use “directional prefixes” in verb predicates. Approximately seven or eight morphemes act as verb prefixes to express different directions of motion or behavior in each language. This paper discusses the similarities and differences in the functions of th ...
Directional Prefixes in Mu-nya
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2022/2/28 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2022/2/28 9:00:00)
タイトル: Directional Prefixes in Mu-nya著者: IKEDA, Takumi抄録: Mu-nya is a Tibeto-Burman language spoken among Tibetan people living around Mt. Minya Konka in Sichuan Province, Southwest China. As Huang (1985) points out in detail, Mu-nya has rich vowel alternation in the verb predicate. Although her description was exhaustive, it was complex. It was thus challenging to grasp the mechanisms behind grammatical operations from her work. Mu-nya discriminates eight kinds of directions through verb prefixes: 1. /tɯ-/ ‘upward’ 2. /nɐ-/ ‘downward’ 3. /ɣɯ-/ ‘towards upstream’ 4. /ɦa-/ ‘towards downstream’ 5. /ngɯ-/ ‘towards the speaker’ 6. /tʰɐ-/ ‘away from the speaker’ 7. /rɯ-/ ‘rounding’ 8. /qʰɯ-/ ‘non-specific’. Some directional prefixes do not express real direction but are fixed combinations with specific verbs, like /qʰɯ³³- ri⁵⁵/ ‘write’, which dose not take other prefixes flexibly. Some vowel changes occurring in direction ...
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2022/1/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2022/1/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: 腐食環境下で機能維持可能なメタボリズムRC柱構造の開発著者: 上田, 知弥; 植村, 佳大; 高橋, 良和抄録: 現行の維持管理方策では,腐食が重度な場合,鉄筋の取替を含む大規模更新を行う.一方で,柱では支保工の設置等が必要となり容易には実施できない.そこで本研究では,軸力支持下での腐食鉄筋取替を容易にすることで,腐食環境下で構造物の機能維持を可能とするRC柱の開発を目指す.提案構造は,腐食を許容し腐食ひび割れ顕在時に取替が可能な可換部と,可換部取替時に軸力を支持する永続部からなり,供用しながら腐食鉄筋の取替が可能である.軸力支持下での取替実験及び正負交番載荷実験の結果,腐食の有無に依らず軸力支持下で鉄筋取替ができ,取替が復元力特性に影響を与えないことを確認した.また,取 ...
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