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ソボレフ流と二重非線形放物型方程式について (関数空間論とその周辺)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2023/7/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2023/7/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: ソボレフ流と二重非線形放物型方程式について (関数空間論とその周辺)著者: 三沢, 正史記述: RIMS共同研究(公開型)「関数空間論とその周辺」での発表概要. この研究は部分的に中村謙太氏(熊大数理センタ), Tuomo Kuusi氏(University of Helsinki) との共同研究による. また, 準備中の論文の抜粋である.
場の量子論における正値性 --シュレディンガー表現とフォック表現-- (関数空間論とその周辺)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2023/7/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2023/7/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: 場の量子論における正値性 --シュレディンガー表現とフォック表現-- (関数空間論とその周辺)著者: 廣島, 文生抄録: ネルソン模型
タイトル: 複雑領域のポテンシャル解析 (関数空間論とその周辺)著者: 相川, 弘明抄録: ラプラス方程式や熱方程式は基本的ですべてわかっているように思われがちだが, まったく一般の領域における解や優解の境界挙動にはいまだにわからないことが多い. 領域の複雑さが境界挙動にどう関わってくるかを以下のような複雑領域
Effect of an ultrathin Fe interlayer on the growth of MnGa and spin-orbit-torque induced magnetization switching
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2023/6/14 0:00:00)
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2023/6/14 0:00:00)
Title: Effect of an ultrathin Fe interlayer on the growth of MnGa and spin-orbit-torque induced magnetization switchingAuthors: Ogawa, Mineto; Hara, Takuya; Hasebe, Shun; Yamanouchi, Michihiko; Uemura, TetsuyaAbstract: We investigated the effect of an ultrathin Fe interlayer on the growth of MnGa and spin-orbit torque (SOT) induced magnetization switching. MnGa was epitaxially grown on Fe at room temperature without thermal annealing. The MnGa/Fe bilayer was perpendicularly magnetized, and clear magnetization switching of the MnGa/Fe bilayer using the spin current, mainly from the adjacent Ta, was observed. The insertion of the Fe layer reduced the switching current density and increased a SOT-originated effective magnetic field. These results indicate that the MnGa/Fe bilayer is a promising spin source, capable of both perpendicular spin injection into GaAs and electrical manipulation of its spin direction.
Visible-Light-Induced Aminochlorination of Alkenes
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2023/6/8 0:00:00)
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2023/6/8 0:00:00)
Title: Visible-Light-Induced Aminochlorination of AlkenesAuthors: Mejri, Emna; Higashida, Kosuke; Kondo, Yuta; Nawachi, Anna; Morimoto, Hiroyuki; Ohshima, Takashi; Sawamura, Masaya; Shimizu, YoheiAbstract: Photoinduced N-internal vicinal aminochlorinationof styrene-type terminal alkenes was developed. The reaction proceededwithout any catalyst, and the use of N-chloro(fluorenoneimine) as both a photoactivatable aminating agent and a chlorinatingagent was essential. The imine moiety, introduced at the internalposition of the alkenes, could be hydrolyzed under mild conditionsto provide versatile beta-chlorinated primary amines, the syntheticutility of which was demonstrated by several transformations.
Hydrogen Production from Hydrophobic Ruthenium Dye-Sensitized TiO2 Photocatalyst Assisted by Vesicle Formation
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2023/6/7 0:00:00)
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2023/6/7 0:00:00)
Title: Hydrogen Production from Hydrophobic Ruthenium Dye-Sensitized TiO2 Photocatalyst Assisted by Vesicle FormationAuthors: Higashida, Yusuke; Takizawa, Shin-ya; Yoshida, Masaki; Kato, Masako; Kobayashi, AtsushiAbstract: Dye-sensitizedH(2) evolution photocatalysts have attractedconsiderable attention as promising systems for the photochemicalgeneration of H-2 from water. In this study, to mimic thereaction field of natural photosynthesis artificially, we synthesizeda hydrophobic Ru-(II) dye-sensitized Pt-TiO2 nanoparticlephotocatalyst, RuC ( 9 )@Pt-TiO2 (RuC ( 9 ) = [Ru-(dC(9)bpy)(2)(H(4)dmpbpy)](2+); dC(9)bpy = 4,4 '-dinonyl-2,2 '-bipyridine, H(4)dmpbpy= 4,4 '-dimethyl phosphonic acid-2,2 '-bipyridine), andintegrated it into 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine(DPPC) lipid bilayer vesicle membranes. The photocatalytic H-2 production activity in 0.5 M l-ascorbic acid aqueous solutionenhanced by more than three times in the presence of DPPC vesicles(apparent quantum yield = 2.1 ...
Changes in Litter Decomposition Across Succession in a Post-mined Peatland, Northern Japan
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2023/6/5 0:00:00)
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2023/6/5 0:00:00)
Title: Changes in Litter Decomposition Across Succession in a Post-mined Peatland, Northern JapanAuthors: Takeuchi, Fumiko; Otaki, Michiru; Tsuyuzaki, ShiroAbstract: Litter decomposition along successional sere after peat mining was monitored for 3 years on post-mined peatland in Sarobetsu Mire, northern Japan. The litter of two dominant species (Rhynchospora alba and Moliniopsis japonica) was examined in 3 different successional habitats. We used the litterbag method to measure litter decomposition. We also measured changes in litter decomposition properties (carbon, nitrogen, and phospholipid fatty acids) with the environments (solar radiation and peat moisture). Bareground without litter showed the highest fluctuation of solar radiation and temperature, but the litter decomposition was slowest. Therefore, photodegradation and physical abrasion had affected weakly on litter decomposition. The concentrations of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus were not different between the two litter ...
Synthesis of 2,3-Disubstituted Indoles by Nickel(0)-Catalyzed Migratory Cycloisomerization of o-Alkynylanilides
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2023/6/5 0:00:00)
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2023/6/5 0:00:00)
Title: Synthesis of 2,3-Disubstituted Indoles by Nickel(0)-Catalyzed Migratory Cycloisomerization of o-AlkynylanilidesAuthors: Koshiba, Mikiko; Furuki, Yuto; Morisaki, Kazuhiro; Doi, Ryohei; Sato, YoshihiroAbstract: We herein report a nickel-catalyzed migratory cycloisomerization of o-alkynylanilides, giving 2,3-disubstituted indoles in good yields. The cyclization proceeded via acyl transfer on the nitrogen atom of the substrate to C3-position in the product, and an N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligand such as ICy or SICy was found to be suitable in this reaction. It was thought that the reaction proceeds via an aza-nickelcyclepentene intermediate formed from alkyne and the C=O bond of the amide moiety in o-alkynylanilides.
Dexamethasone dose-dependently prevents taxane-associated acute pain syndrome in breast cancer treatment
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2023/6/3 0:00:00)
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2023/6/3 0:00:00)
Title: Dexamethasone dose-dependently prevents taxane-associated acute pain syndrome in breast cancer treatmentAuthors: Saito, Yoshitaka; Takekuma, Yoh; Takeshita, Takashi; Oshino, Tomohiro; Sugawara, MitsuruAbstract: PurposeTaxane-associated acute pain syndrome (T-APS) is one of the most bothersome adverse effects caused by taxanes. We have previously reported the attenuating effect of dexamethasone (DEX) on T-APS and its risk factors under DEX prophylaxis. However, the appropriate DEX dosage administration remains unclear. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate whether DEX dose-dependently prevents T-APS in breast cancer patients.MethodsWe retrospectively evaluated patients with breast cancer who received docetaxel (75 mg/m(2))-containing chemotherapy without pegfilgrastim and regular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The patients were divided into 4 mg/day and 8 mg/day DEX groups, with each DEX dosage on days 2-4 (n = 68 for each group). Primary endpoint was the comparison ...
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