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A case of complete hydatidiform mole with coexistent fetus developing hypertension and acute heart failure
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2017/1/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2017/1/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: A case of complete hydatidiform mole with coexistent fetus developing hypertension and acute heart failure著者: Moriuchi, Kaori; Chigusa, Yoshitsugu; Kondoh, Eiji; Io, Shingo; Hamanishi, Junzo; Mandai, Masaki抄録: Twin gestation consisting of complete hydatidiform mole with coexistent fetus (CHMCF) is a very rare entity. CHMCF is associated with serious complications, such as vaginal bleeding, intrauterine death, preterm birth, preeclampsia, and persistent gestational trophoblast disease (pGTD). Thus, management of this type of pregnancy is challenging. Here we report a case of CHMCF complicated with hypertension and acute heart failure. A 33-year-old primigravida female was clinically diagnosed with CHMCF at 12 weeks of gestation and then developed hypertension and proteinuria at 14 weeks of gestation. Elective termination of pregnancy was performed at 15 weeks of gestation and, following the procedure, she suffered from acute heart failure, suggesting peripartum car ...
世界のウェブアーカイブ「WARP (Web Archiving Project)」を掲載(2016年11月24日)
from 国立国会図書館インターネット資料収集保存事業(WARP)-新着情報 (2016/11/24 0:00:00)
from 国立国会図書館インターネット資料収集保存事業(WARP)-新着情報 (2016/11/24 0:00:00)
世界のウェブアーカイブ(おすすめコンテンツ)に「WARP (Web Archiving Project)」を掲載しました。
今月の特集「Websites old and new ! part 3」を掲載(2016年11月1日)
from 国立国会図書館インターネット資料収集保存事業(WARP)-新着情報 (2016/11/1 0:00:00)
from 国立国会図書館インターネット資料収集保存事業(WARP)-新着情報 (2016/11/1 0:00:00)
2016年11月の特集「Websites old and new ! part 3」を掲載しました。
今月の特集「New Archived Websites」を掲載(2016年10月3日)
from 国立国会図書館インターネット資料収集保存事業(WARP)-新着情報 (2016/10/3 0:00:00)
from 国立国会図書館インターネット資料収集保存事業(WARP)-新着情報 (2016/10/3 0:00:00)
2016年10月の特集「New Archived Websites」を掲載しました。
Kinetic energy distributions of product ions from singly and multiply ionized C₂H₂ molecules induced by 0.8 MeV C⁺ collisions
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2016/9/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2016/9/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: Kinetic energy distributions of product ions from singly and multiply ionized C₂H₂ molecules induced by 0.8 MeV C⁺ collisions著者: Yoshida, S.; Majima, T.; Asai, T.; Matsubara, M.; Tsuchida, H.; Saito, M.; Itoh, A.抄録: We measure kinetic energy distributions (KEDs) of product ions from singly and multiply ionized acetylene, [r+*]C₂H₂ (r = 1–4), generated as intermediate states prior to fragmentation in collisions between C₂H₂ and 0.8 MeV C⁺ ions, in single-electron capture conditions. The KEDs are systematically obtained as functions of the charge state r by performing coincidence measurements between momentum imaging of the product ions and counting of the number of emitted electrons. The KEDs of the fragment ions exhibit a variety of dependences on r, reflecting the variation of fragmentation dynamics and dominant fragmentation pathways. In particular, the KEDs of C₂⁺ present a characteristic dependence on r because of the different symmetries ...
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