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ここに表示されている RSS/ATOM 記事を RSS と ATOM で配信しています。
Ed Davey’s party makes biggest gain in seats in its history, defeating two cabinet ministers
Labour secures landslide victory as Conservatives crash out of office
Party captures all its targets after luring leftwing voters from Labour, as investors note clear support for climate action
One of British art’s most influential figures on YBAs, passion versus money and the ‘miracle’ of having a major new show at 82
They are widely derided, but deep down isn’t everyone a Nimby? And shouldn’t we try to understand why people fear change close to home?
‘Ineffectual’ and ‘snippy’: the rapid rise and stunning fall of Rishi Sunak
from UK homepage (2024/7/5 20:05:42)
from UK homepage (2024/7/5 20:05:42)
The Icarus-like former PM took his party to what is projected to be its worst defeat in history
Will Labour be able to maintain its coalition of contradictions?
from UK homepage (2024/7/5 20:00:12)
from UK homepage (2024/7/5 20:00:12)
The record win in this week’s election is built on flimsy foundations that could quickly fracture
Ask Shrimsley: what does a politician’s hair tell us about them?
from UK homepage (2024/7/5 19:00:12)
from UK homepage (2024/7/5 19:00:12)
The new right populists are opting for less challenging styles than Trump and Johnson
The results are in — what have we learned?
食物栄養学科では、管理栄養士として働く卒業生を講師としてお招きし、お話を伺う「体験学習会」を毎年行っています。令和6年度は病院の管理栄養士として働く先輩と、一般企業で管理栄養士として商品開発を行っている先輩に講演をしていただきました。 どのようなお仕事をしているのか、学生時代の国家試験に向けての勉強方法、就職活動についてなど、具体的な内容を聴くことが出来ました。 様々な場所で活躍する「管理栄養士」という職業について、見分を深めることが出来る良い機会になりました。
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