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It is not (just) greed. Business encourages contrarianism
In some ways it already has, argues political scientist Olivier Roy
魚類などの遊泳速度について調べるための資料には、以下のようなものがあります。【 】内は当館請求記号です。『資料名』(書誌情報)の後ろに*が付いている資料は、国立国会図書館サーチの書誌詳細画面に目次があります。渡辺佑基 他 "The slowest fish: Swim speed and tail-beat frequency of Greenland sharks"(『Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology』(426-427)[2012.9.1] pp.5-11 【Z53-N338】)「Table 2. Mean swim speed and tail-beat frequency of fishes recorded in the field」(p.7)に16種の魚類の泳ぐ平均秒速が示されています。データの出典の記載もあります。記載された動物名と時速換算した速度を以下に示します。タイセイヨウダラ:1.0km/hウバザメ:3.89km/hニシクロカジキ:1.8km/hヨシキリザメ:1.5km/hカラチョウザメ:3.96km/hサケ:2.7km/hニシオンデンザメ:1.2km/hヒラメ: ...
Plans by both main political parties to abolish ‘non-dom’ regime prompts departures
Yields are tempting investors who would usually focus more on equities
Ignore the populist noise, Britain’s moderate mould won’t break
from UK homepage (2024/6/22 4:00:41)
from UK homepage (2024/6/22 4:00:41)
Tory radicals see a revolution as the path back to power but the pattern has been firmly set since 1922
The chipmaker’s brief reign as the world’s most valuable company is a sign of the times for the emerging technology
Plans to strip landlords of power to hold ‘bidding wars’ contain ‘loophole’
Party activists being marshalled around the UK in effort to limit scale of potential election defeat
Amazon’s founder has long thrived on disrupting industries but the Washington Post may be a challenge too far
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