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Brace for the most distorted election result in British history
from UK homepage (2024/6/21 13:00:32)
from UK homepage (2024/6/21 13:00:32)
The demolition of parties to the right will raise fresh doubts about first past the post
食品包装・食品保存技術について調べるための資料には、以下のようなものがあります。『資料名』(書誌情報)の後ろに*が付いている資料は、国立国会図書館サーチの書誌詳細画面に目次があります。【 】内は当館請求記号です。請求記号が記載されていないものは、版によって請求記号が異なります。国立国会図書館サーチでタイトルによる検索を行ってください。1. 食品保存技術『食品の保蔵 : 食品劣化から保蔵、包装まで』(東洋紡パッケージング・プラン・サービス 2017.5 【PC111-M10】)食品劣化のメカニズムとその環境因子、貯蔵・加工技術、包装技法まで広く解説しています。『食品保蔵・流通技術ハンドブック』(建帛社 2006.10 【PC111-H17】)*食品保蔵技術、流通技術、品質保持技術などについて解説した4部構成の資料です。 ...
各国の日本研究機関等を国別に紹介するリンク集です。主要な日本研究機関・団体(日本を含むアジア研究機関・団体)と日本関係資料を取り扱う出版社等のリンクを掲載しています(順不同)。 (【 】内は当館請求記号です。( )内の日本語訳は本ページの作成者によります。)1. 日本(アジア)関係研究機関メキシコEl Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios de Asia y África (CEAA)(メキシコ大学院大学 アジア・アフリカ研究センター)刊行物Instituto Politécnico Nacional(IPN), Centro de Lenguas Extranjeras (CENLEX)(国立工科大学 外国語センター)Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Centro de Estudios Asiáticos (CEA)(ヌエボレオン州立自治大学 アジア研究センター)Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro de Estudios Japoneses(グアダラハラ大学 日本研究センター)Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México ...
Neuronal response of the primate striatum tail to face of socially familiar persons
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/6/21 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/6/21 9:00:00)
タイトル: Neuronal response of the primate striatum tail to face of socially familiar persons著者: Kunimatsu, Jun; Amita, Hidetoshi; Hikosaka, Okihide抄録: Recent studies have suggested that the basal ganglia, the center of stimulus-reward associative learning, are involved in social behavior. However, the role of the basal ganglia in social information processing remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate that the striatum tail (STRt) in macaque monkeys, which is sensitive to visual objects with long-term reward history (i.e., stable object value), is also sensitive to socially familiar persons. Many STRt neurons responded to face images of persons, especially those who took daily care of the subject monkeys. These face-responsive neurons also encoded stable object value. The strength of the neuronal modulation of social familiarity and stable object value biases were positively correlated. These results suggest that both social familiarity and stable object value information are m ...
Sunak warns that Starmer is promising ‘same fantasies’ as Truss
from UK homepage (2024/6/21 7:33:27)
from UK homepage (2024/6/21 7:33:27)
Prime minister says he was ‘incredibly angry’ to learn of betting allegations
Sarepta shares soar after US regulators expand access to gene therapy
from UK homepage (2024/6/21 7:22:48)
from UK homepage (2024/6/21 7:22:48)
Biotech’s drug Elevidys treats rare muscle wasting disease and is one of the most expensive medications in the world
Unusual burst of bets preceded Rishi Sunak’s election announcement
from UK homepage (2024/6/21 7:16:00)
from UK homepage (2024/6/21 7:16:00)
Prime minister says he will ‘boot’ out anyone from the party found to have broken the rules
‘Every Tory I know is angry’: betting scandal sends election campaign into ‘freefall’
from UK homepage (2024/6/21 6:05:40)
from UK homepage (2024/6/21 6:05:40)
Rishi Sunak is facing severe criticism from within his party over his handling of the saga
Action could add to challenges confronting takeover of postal group by Czech billionaire
Washington Post publisher retains links to PR firm that bears his initials
from UK homepage (2024/6/21 4:59:09)
from UK homepage (2024/6/21 4:59:09)
Under-fire media executive advised investors, business people and politicians
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