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ここに表示されている RSS/ATOM 記事を RSS と ATOM で配信しています。
US president’s comments increase pressure on Israel’s prime minister to defy coalition critics and support peace plan
Loss of ruling party’s parliamentary majority deals stunning blow to prime minister ahead of third term
Ransomware attempt on provider forces cancellations and delays blood tests and transfusion deliveries
Stock market tumbles as vote counts point to ruling BJP relying on allies to secure historic third term in power
Court suspends arrest warrant after Windhorst agrees to attend hearing
from UK homepage (2024/6/5 1:43:45)
from UK homepage (2024/6/5 1:43:45)
German financier accused of not co-operating in insolvency proceedings of shopping centre
Fewer than one in 12 ex-Tory voters think Sunak deserves to win, poll finds
from UK homepage (2024/6/5 1:40:19)
from UK homepage (2024/6/5 1:40:19)
Survey by FGS Global lays bare scale of challenge prime minister faces to win back support by July 4
Biden tightens US immigration rules with limit on asylum seekers
from UK homepage (2024/6/5 1:03:36)
from UK homepage (2024/6/5 1:03:36)
Surge in border crossings from Mexico has become potent political campaign issue for Donald Trump
If America retreats from its security guarantee of Europe, the consequences for global stability will be dire
Redstone leaves investors guessing as Paramount and Skydance agree terms
from UK homepage (2024/6/5 0:38:00)
from UK homepage (2024/6/5 0:38:00)
Controlling shareholder of Hollywood group states ‘confidence’ in co-chiefs pitching to keep company private
《国書データベース》(https://kokusho.nijl.ac.jp/ 国文学研究資料館)内、「【著作紹介】慎思録」(https://kokusho.nijl.ac.jp/work/4546?ln=ja)のNo.32ほかで閲覧できることを紹介した。備考:『益軒全集 巻2』(貝原益軒著 益軒全集刊行部 1910)に集録されているが、県立図書館に所蔵がなく提供不可。『中学漢文読本自修書1年程度 原文之部』(堤達也,久米卯之彦共編 敬文館 1918)(国会図書館デジタルコレクションにあり)『皇国漢文選慎思録 言志四録鈔』(塩谷温編 目黒書店 1936)等にアタリをつけたが、取り急ぎ「国書データベース」を紹介した。
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