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ここに表示されている RSS/ATOM 記事を RSS と ATOM で配信しています。
Broader trilateral pact including Israel depends on ‘credible path’ to Palestinian statehood
Heavy storms and prolonged rainfall on the rise in UK and Ireland, study shows
from UK homepage (2024/5/22 8:01:37)
from UK homepage (2024/5/22 8:01:37)
Farmers nurse losses of £1bn after climate change triggers floods and devastates crops
Government tells Britons to stockpile as part of emergency planning
from UK homepage (2024/5/22 8:01:37)
from UK homepage (2024/5/22 8:01:37)
As campaign urges households to stock up on tinned food and batteries, retailers warn against panic buying
Adani suspected of fraud by selling low-grade coal as high-value fuel
from UK homepage (2024/5/22 8:01:37)
from UK homepage (2024/5/22 8:01:37)
Indian conglomerate rejects accusations of inflating prices in transactions with state utility
今年度の第1回オープンキャンパスは5月19日(日)に開かれました。 全体会で関口修学長が大学・短大で学ぶ意義について語り、それぞれの夢に向かって仲間と共に歩む大切さを強調しました。 参加者は各学科に分かれて学習内容や入試情報などの説明を聴きました。模擬授業も行われ、食品表示や福祉に関する講義を受けたり、韓国マカロンを作る調理実習や子ども向けダンスのレッスンなどを体験しました。 学科ごとの個別相談や奨学金などに関する相談、キャンパスツアーや在学生との懇談も繰り広げられ、参加者は学生生活に思いをはせていました。 次回のオープンキャンパスは6月9日(日)に開催します。
Matthew Trickett was accused of assisting intelligence services in the Chinese territory
Several cabinet ministers had criticised plan to cut legal migration by targeting foreign students
Trump won’t take the stand as ‘hush money’ trial enters end stage
from UK homepage (2024/5/22 5:37:42)
from UK homepage (2024/5/22 5:37:42)
Jury deliberations set to begin next week after former president’s defence rests in Manhattan criminal case
US owners part ways with third manager in two years since buying Premier League team from Roman Abramovich
BoE governor predicts ‘quite a drop’ in UK inflation in April figure
from UK homepage (2024/5/22 5:08:18)
from UK homepage (2024/5/22 5:08:18)
Andrew Bailey also says the next move in interest rates by the central bank will be a cut
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