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Honorific register in Mabzhi Tibetan: How Amdo Tibetans use honorific words in their speech community
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2023/12/31 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2023/12/31 9:00:00)
タイトル: Honorific register in Mabzhi Tibetan: How Amdo Tibetans use honorific words in their speech community著者: Tsering, Samdrup; SUZUKI, Hiroyuki抄録: This article presents that Amdo Tibetan has systematic forms of honorifics used exclusively for highly respected monastic figures and s during wedding ceremonies (the entourage of bride's male relatives). Despite common assumptions suggesting that Amdo Tibetan does not frequently employ honorifics, it does in fact have honorifics within a lexical category reserved for speeches addressed to extremely marginal, traditionally high-ranking persons. The article provides a list of lexical forms of honorifics along with their corresponding contexts of use in the Mabzhi dialect of Amdo Tibetan.; 本稿では、アムドチベット語(環青海湖方言群マウジュ方言;青海省貴南県)において、非常に尊敬される宗教的職能者と婚礼における母方のおじを含む a zhang と呼ばれる個人に ...
時間的遠近の強調的表示について --朝鮮語の時間語彙を中心に--
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2023/12/31 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2023/12/31 9:00:00)
タイトル: 時間的遠近の強調的表示について --朝鮮語の時間語彙を中心に--著者: 川畑, 祐貴抄録: 本稿では朝鮮語の時間語彙を対象として, 「時間的遠近」の表示における表現的な音韻・形態の「強調」現象(母音の長音化, 形態の重複)の遥用可能性について分析と考察を行なう. 「母音の長音化」と「形態の重複」が時間語彙に適用される可能性を朝鮮語母語話者3名に調査したところ, 「母音の長音化」の場合, makやkas, kotを除いておおむね適用可能であった第音節で生じる長音化と第1音節以降で生じる長音化とではその「強調」の機能がやや異なり, 専ら第音節での長音化において「今との断絶性」や「現在性」, 「切迫感」などの程度に関する「強調」が見られた. 「形態の重複」の場合遠近ニュアンスを含意する直示的時間語彙には適用 ...
タイトル: 金國の祭天儀禮 --拜天と郊祀をめぐって--著者: 古松, 崇志抄録: The Jin dynasty founded by the Jurchens, who gained the ascendancy in Northeast Asia in the first half of the twelfth century, overthrew both the Khitans and the Northern Song and held hegemony over Eastern Eurasia. This article examines the ritual system of the Jin dynasty in order to consider the characteristics of the dynasty and the transformation of its system of rule. In doing so, I focus in particular on rituals of sacrifice to Heaven. In the Jin dynasty there were two kinds of rituals of sacrifice to Heaven. The first was the Jurchens' traditional ritual for worshipping Heaven, which has points in common with the shamanistic rituals of sacrifice to Heaven performed by the hunter nomads of Central Eurasia. This ritual had been performed before the founding of the Jin dynasty. Initially it was performed on the fifth day of the fifth month and later came to be performed three times ...
タイトル: 一九四〇年代上海の越劇と女性パトロン著者: 手代木, さづき抄録: This paper aims to empirically portray the female patrons of Yue opera 越劇 who were called guofangniang 過房娘. These women formed a mother-daughter bond with actresses and supported their stage lives. Yue opera, which gained popularity in Shanghai during the Sino-Japanese War, attracted the attention of the underground Communist party during the Chinese Civil War, and it was heavily used as a medium for mass propaganda after the establishment of the PRC. Under the influence of the CPC ideology, Chinese studies of Yue opera have criticized guofangniang as controlling actresses and hindering the modernization of the opera, and Japanese studies have followed this assessment. In recent years, Jiang Jin 姜進 has positively evaluated the role of guofangniang and pointed out its win-win relationship with actresses, but there are still issues to be resolved, such as the archival lim ...
淸代後期の縣衙門による非正規の課徵 --四川省南部縣の「取行應差」を例として--
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2023/12/30 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2023/12/30 9:00:00)
タイトル: 淸代後期の縣衙門による非正規の課徵 --四川省南部縣の「取行應差」を例として--著者: 穆, 林抄録: The practice of collecting hangyong 行用 to supply chaiwu 差務 is referred to as quhang yingchai. Chaiwu 差務 was the money, goods and corvee that the county government levied from the people within its jurisdiction. And the money collected by the market managers and agents to supply chaiwu is called hangyong. Quhang yingchai was a widespread phenomenon in Sichuan province during the middle and late Qing Dynasty, and the income obtained through this method played a significant role in the finances of Sichuan counties. Due to the growth of the market, the Nanbu County government had begun to actively promote quhang yingchai since the Daoguang period. The county government sent standard scales to market managers and their agents for certain commodities such as grain, pigs and coal, authorizing them to collect hangyong on behalf of the c ...
マムルークの家族 --ワクフ文書の受益者規定から--
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2023/12/30 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2023/12/30 9:00:00)
タイトル: マムルークの家族 --ワクフ文書の受益者規定から--著者: 五十嵐, 大介抄録: In the “family waqf, ” which designates the family members of the founder as the beneficiaries of the waqf, the founder stipulated the range of family members who would be beneficiaries, the order of precedence and share among them in a manner different from Islamic inheritance law. In this sense, these beneficiary stipulations reflect the family and gender views of the founders themselves and/or those prevailing in their time and region. Based on this understanding, this paper examines the beneficiary stipulations of the Mamluk military waqfs established during the “Mulk ʿAqīm period” (1412-1517), when the political structure and social relations based on military slavery reached their peak, and it also investigates the nature of the “chosen family, ” which was based on the view of the family held by the Mamluks. The results revealed the following: first, fo ...
SARTRASの共通目的基金による2023年度の委託事業として、「クリエイターのための著作権講座(美術家編)」を実施することとなりました。(委託先:公益社団法人著作権情報センター(CRIC)) 権利者である美術家の方を対象に、著作権や著作権契約に関する基礎知識を解説します。美術関係者だけでなく、著作権に興味のある方であればどなたでもご参加いただけます。 詳細は、下記よりご確認ください。 https://www.cric.or.jp/index_doc/creator2023_art.pdf The post 「クリエイターのための著作権講座(美術家編)」開催のご案内 first appeared on 一般社団法人 授業目的公衆送信補償金等管理協会 .
How western governments took down Europe’s most powerful crime group
from UK homepage (2023/12/26 14:16:26)
from UK homepage (2023/12/26 14:16:26)
Our second series investigates the rise and fall of a Dubai-based super cartel
SARTRASの共通目的基金による自主事業として、著作権情報誌「さあとらす」を創刊する運びとなりました。 創刊号は1月中旬に全国の初中等教育の各学校および教育委員会に無料でご郵送させていただきますので、ぜひご一読くださいますようお願い申し上げます。 創刊に伴い、以下の専用ページを公開いたしました。ページ内には「さあとらす」PDF版および専用連絡フォームを設置しております。 https://sartras.or.jp/chosakukenjohoshi/ The post 著作権情報誌「さあとらす」創刊のお知らせ first appeared on 一般社団法人 授業目的公衆送信補償金等管理協会 .
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