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Universal Music creates a new royalties model for streaming
SARTRASの共通目的基金による2023年度の委託事業として、「クリエイターのための著作権講座(シナリオライター編)」を実施することとなりました。(委託先:公益社団法人著作権情報センター(CRIC)) 権利者であるシナリオライターの方を対象に、著作権や著作権契約に関する基礎知識を解説します。シナリオライターや作家団体関係者だけでなく、著作権に興味のある方であればどなたでもご参加いただけます。 詳細は、下記よりご確認ください。 https://www.cric.or.jp/index_doc/creator2023_scenario.pdf The post 「クリエイターのための著作権講座(シナリオライター編)」開催のご案内 first appeared on 一般社団法人 授業目的公衆送信補償金等管理協会 .
Estimating Health Expectancy in Japanese Communities Using Mortality Rate and Disability Prevalence
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/15 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/15 9:00:00)
タイトル: Estimating Health Expectancy in Japanese Communities Using Mortality Rate and Disability Prevalence著者: Hosokawa, Rikuya; Ojima, Toshiyuki; Myojin, Tomoya; Aida, Jun; Kondo, Katsunori; Kondo, Naoki抄録: INTRODUCTION: Although mortality and disability are known to be associated with health expectancy (LE), few studies have assessed the extent to which a reduction in their prevalence can extend a person's LE. Moreover, differences in this relationship based on gender have not been established. Thus, in this study, we constructed a regression model using the rate of mortality and prevalence of disability to predict LE in older adults (≥65 years) and assess the relationships between LE, mortality rate, and disability prevalence based on gender. METHODS: Data were collected from Japan's population registry and long-term insurance records (N = 344). Multiple linear regression was used to analyze the relationship between LE, mortality rate, and disability prevalence, stra ...
Transport kinetics of protium and deuterium in titanium: Experiments and modeling
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/2 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/2 9:00:00)
タイトル: Transport kinetics of protium and deuterium in titanium: Experiments and modeling著者: Yamazaki, Jun; Kobayashi, Chihiro; Nishi, Kengo; Tanabe, Katsuaki抄録: We conducted absorption experiments on Ti using hydrogen isotopes, protium and deuterium, to gain insights into the kinetics of hydrogen atoms, particularly across the Ti surface. Rather than relying on various surface pretreatments, we identified the initial temperature of Ti in vacuum as the determining factor in achieving a high absorption rate and content. Specifically, we found that the initial Ti temperatures of approximately 900 and 980 °C are optimal for protium and deuterium, respectively, likely due to sufficient removal of the native surface oxide on Ti. The dependence of the absorption rate and amount of hydrogen isotopes on the temperature during absorption was partially explained by the phase transformation and exothermicity of the hydrogenation reaction. Moreover, this dependence strongly indicate ...
いかに‘一緒に遊ぶ’のか: ニホンザルの取っ組み合い遊びの始まり方と終わり方
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: いかに‘一緒に遊ぶ’のか: ニホンザルの取っ組み合い遊びの始まり方と終わり方著者: 壹岐, 朔巳抄録: Achieving ‘doing something together’ requires more than mere physical proximity and bidirectional behavior; interactants must construct a situation where both parties are intersubjectively engaged in a shared interactional space to achieve ‘togetherness.’ This paper summarizes how immature Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) achieve (and sometimes fail to achieve) ‘playing together’ by reviewing our research on the opening and closing phases of play fighting. Our research indicates (1) that the face-to-face configuration during the opening of play contributes to the establishment of intersubjective engagement, (2) that facial signals during the opening phase honestly reflect an individual's motivation to play but are not used tactically to invite reluctant or infrequent partners, and (3) that the ways in ...
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: 新生児同種免疫性血小板減少症の発症予防を目的として母体への免疫グロブリン療法を行った一例著者: 山形, 知央; 小松, 摩耶; 千草, 義継; 川村, 洋介; 松坂, 直; 山口, 綾香; 髙倉, 賢人; 上田, 優輔; 最上, 晴太; 万代, 昌紀抄録: 新生児同種免疫性血小板減少症(NAIT)は母体で産生された血小板抗体によって生じる血小板減少症で,児に頭蓋内出血をきたすこともある.次回妊娠時にもNAITの発症リスクが存在するが有効な周産期管理指針は存在しない.症例は38歳,4妊2産.第2子は出生直後に点状出血があり,血小板数30×103/μLであった.母体から抗ヒト血小板特異抗原(HPA)-4b抗体が検出され,NAITが疑われた.第3子を妊娠し,羊水検査で児がHPA-4a/bを保持していることが判明した.児にNAIT発症が危惧されたことから,妊娠30週から免 ...
Double MAC on a Cell: A 22-nm 8T-SRAM-Based Analog In-Memory Accelerator for Binary/Ternary Neural Networks Featuring Split Wordline
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: Double MAC on a Cell: A 22-nm 8T-SRAM-Based Analog In-Memory Accelerator for Binary/Ternary Neural Networks Featuring Split Wordline著者: Tagata, Hiroto; Sato, Takashi; Awano, Hiromitsu抄録: This paper proposes a novel 8T-SRAM based computing-in-memory (CIM) accelerator for the Binary/Ternary neural networks. The proposed split dual-port 8T-SRAM cell has two input ports, simultaneously performing two binary multiply-and-accumulate (MAC) operations on left and right bitlines. This approach enables a twofold increase in throughput without significantly increasing area or power consumption, since the area overhead for doubling throughput is only two additional WL wires compared to the conventional 8T-SRAM. In addition, the proposed circuit supports binary and ternary activation input, allowing flexible adjustment of high energy efficiency and high inference accuracy depending on the application. The proposed SRAM macro consists of a 128×128 SRAM array that outputs the M ...
Production and Distribution of Bronzes and Bronze Mirrors in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: Production and Distribution of Bronzes and Bronze Mirrors in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods著者: Ishitani, Makoto記述: 令和5年度京都大学人と社会の未来研究院若手出版助成事業の支援による京都大学大学院文学研究科の『卓越した課程博士論文の出版助成制度』への応募があった平成30年4月から令和5年3月までの博士(文学)学位論文から、選考を経て、下記の6冊の書物が刊行されました。; 陳 佑真『三蘇蜀学の研究 --北宋士大夫による儒家経典解釈の展開』京都大学学術出版会、2024年3月31日刊、v+340頁; 福元 健之『医師の「献身」 --ポーランド建国と草の根知識人1890-1920』京都大学学術出版会、2024年3月31日刊、vi+386頁; 浦井 聡『田辺元 --社会的現実と救済の哲学』京都大学学術出版会、2024年3月31日刊、xviii+354頁; 石谷 慎『春秋戦国時代 ...
Greek Poleis Alive in the Roman Empire Cultural and Economic Dynamics in Asia Minor
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: Greek Poleis Alive in the Roman Empire Cultural and Economic Dynamics in Asia Minor著者: MASUNAGA, Masataka記述: 令和5年度京都大学人と社会の未来研究院若手出版助成事業の支援による京都大学大学院文学研究科の『卓越した課程博士論文の出版助成制度』への応募があった平成30年4月から令和5年3月までの博士(文学)学位論文から、選考を経て、下記の6冊の書物が刊行されました。; 陳 佑真『三蘇蜀学の研究 --北宋士大夫による儒家経典解釈の展開』京都大学学術出版会、2024年3月31日刊、v+340頁; 福元 健之『医師の「献身」 --ポーランド建国と草の根知識人1890-1920』京都大学学術出版会、2024年3月31日刊、vi+386頁; 浦井 聡『田辺元 --社会的現実と救済の哲学』京都大学学術出版会、2024年3月31日刊、xviii+354頁; 石谷 慎『春秋戦国時代の青銅器と鏡 --生 ...
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