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Are longitudinal changes in sleep patterns associated with future cardiovascular disease risk?
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: Are longitudinal changes in sleep patterns associated with future cardiovascular disease risk?著者: Furihata, Ryuji
Three-Layer Electrorefining of Molten Zinc Held on Porous Carbon or Silica Sheets in Molten LiCl–KCl–ZnCl₂
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: Three-Layer Electrorefining of Molten Zinc Held on Porous Carbon or Silica Sheets in Molten LiCl–KCl–ZnCl₂著者: Yasuda, Kouji; Yamada, Shoya; Uda, Tetsuya抄録: We investigated a three-layer electrolysis process utilizing porous holding materials with poor wettability to molten metal, which enables to establish a three-layer configuration of metal(l)/electrolyte(l)/metal(l) by holding metals above the electrolyte regardless of their densities. In this study, porous carbon or silica sheets were used as the holding materials for electrorefining experiments of Zn metal in molten LiCl–KCl–ZnCl₂ at 723 K. Three types of experiments were carried out focusing on anodic polarization, electrorefining with cathodic carbon, and three-layer electrolysis using liquid Zn as cathode. The concentration of impurity elements in the Zn was reduced by a factor of 8 to 200 in this experimental condition, highlighting the purification effectiveness of the method. From the result ...
Logic Locking over TFHE for Securing User Data and Algorithms
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: Logic Locking over TFHE for Securing User Data and Algorithms著者: Suemitsu, Kohei; Matsuoka, Kotaro; Sato, Takashi; Hashimoto, Masanori抄録: This paper proposes the application of logic locking over TFHE to protect both user data and algorithms, such as input user data and models in machine learning inference applications. With the proposed secure computation protocol algorithm evaluation can be performed distributively on honest-but-curious user computers while keeping the algorithm secure. To achieve this, we combine conventional logic locking for untrusted foundries with TFHE to enable secure computation. By encrypting the logic locking key using TFHE, the key is secured with the degree of TFHE. We implemented the proposed secure protocols for combinational logic neural networks and decision trees using LUT-based obfuscation. Regarding the security analysis, we subjected them to the SAT attack and evaluated their resistance based on the execution time. We successf ...
A de novo dominant-negative variant is associated with OTULIN-related autoinflammatory syndrome
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: A de novo dominant-negative variant is associated with OTULIN-related autoinflammatory syndrome著者: Takeda, Yukiko; Ueki, Masahiro; Matsuhiro, Junpei; Walinda, Erik; Tanaka, Takayuki; Yamada, Masafumi; Fujita, Hiroaki; Takezaki, Shunichiro; Kobayashi, Ichiro; Tamaki, Sakura; Nagata, Sanae; Miyake, Noriko; Matsumoto, Naomichi; Osawa, Mitsujiro; Yasumi, Takahiro; Heike, Toshio; Ohtake, Fumiaki; Saito, Megumu K.; Toguchida, Junya; Takita, Junko; Ariga, Tadashi; Iwai, Kazuhiro抄録: OTULIN-related autoinflammatory syndrome (ORAS), a severe autoinflammatory disease, is caused by biallelic pathogenic variants of OTULIN, a linear ubiquitin-specific deubiquitinating enzyme. Loss of OTULIN attenuates linear ubiquitination by inhibiting the linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex (LUBAC). Here, we report a patient who harbors two rare heterozygous variants of OTULIN (p.P152L and p.R306Q). We demonstrated accumulation of linear ubiquitin chains upon TNF stimulation and augmented ...
An isoflavone catabolism gene cluster underlying interkingdom interactions in the soybean rhizosphere
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: An isoflavone catabolism gene cluster underlying interkingdom interactions in the soybean rhizosphere著者: Aoki, Noritaka; Shimasaki, Tomohisa; Yazaki, Wataru; Sato, Tomoaki; Nakayasu, Masaru; Ando, Akinori; Kishino, Shigenobu; Ogawa, Jun; Masuda, Sachiko; Shibata, Arisa; Shirasu, Ken; Yazaki, Kazufumi; Sugiyama, Akifumi抄録: Plant roots secrete various metabolites, including plant specialized metabolites, into the rhizosphere, and shape the rhizosphere microbiome, which is crucial for the plant health and growth. Isoflavones are major plant specialized metabolites found in legume plants, and are involved in interactions with soil microorganisms as initiation signals in rhizobial symbiosis and as modulators of the legume root microbiota. However, it remains largely unknown the molecular basis underlying the isoflavone-mediated interkingdom interactions in the legume rhizosphere. Here, we isolated Variovorax sp. strain V35, a member of the Comamonadaceae that harbors i ...
Algorithmic group formation and group work evaluation in a learning analytics-enhanced environment: implementation study in a Japanese junior high school
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: Algorithmic group formation and group work evaluation in a learning analytics-enhanced environment: implementation study in a Japanese junior high school著者: Liang, Changhao; Majumdar, Rwitajit; Nakamizo, Yuta; Flanagan, Brendan; Ogata, Hiroaki抄録: In-class group work activities are found to promote the interpersonal skills of learners. To support the teachers in facilitating such activities, we designed a learning analytics-enhanced technology framework, Group Learning Orchestration Based on Evidence (GLOBE) using data-driven approaches. In this study, we implemented the algorithmic group formation and group work evaluation systems in a Japanese junior high school context. Data from a series of 12 collaborative learning activities were used to validate the difference in the measured heterogeneity of the formed homogeneous and heterogeneous groups compared to random grouping. Further, the peer rating and self-perception of the group work were compared for comparativ ...
Waveform-domain Speech Enhancement Using Spectrogram Encoding for Robust Speech Recognition
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: Waveform-domain Speech Enhancement Using Spectrogram Encoding for Robust Speech Recognition著者: Shi, Hao; Mimura, Masato; Kawahara, Tatsuya抄録: While waveform-domain speech enhancement (SE) has been extensively investigated in recent years and achieves state-of-the-art performance in many datasets, spectrogram-based SE tends to show robust and stable enhancement behavior. In this paper, we propose a waveform-spectrogram hybrid method (WaveSpecEnc) to improve the robustness of waveform-domain SE. WaveSpecEnc refines the corresponding temporal feature map by spectrogram encoding in each encoder layer. Incorporating spectral information provides robust human hearing experience performance. However, it has a minor automatic speech recognition (ASR) improvement. Thus, we improve it for robust ASR by further utilizing spectrogram encoding information (WaveSpecEnc+) to both the SE front-end and ASR back-end. Experimental results using the CHiME-4 dataset show that ASR perf ...
A multiclass classification model for predicting the thermal conductivity of uranium compounds
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/1/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: A multiclass classification model for predicting the thermal conductivity of uranium compounds著者: Sun, Y.; Kumagai, M.; Jin, M.; Sato, E.; Aoki, M.; Ohishi, Y.; Kurosaki, K.抄録: Advanced nuclear fuels are designed to offer improved performance and accident tolerance, with an emphasis on achieving higher thermal conductivity. While promising fuel candidates like uranium nitrides, carbides, and silicides have been widely studied, the majority of uranium compounds remain unexplored. To search for potential candidates among these unexplored uranium compounds, we incorporated machine learning to accelerate the material discovery process. In this study, we trained a multiclass classification model to predict a compound’s thermal conductivity based on 133 input features derived from element properties and temperature. The initial training data consist of over 160, 000 processed thermal conductivity records from the Starrydata2 database, but a skewed data class distribut ...
タイトル: 京都大学言語学懇話会2023年度発表要旨記述: 第120回例会 : 日時・場所 2023年4月8日(土) 13:30-16:45 於 京都大学文学部校舎第1講義室, 発表題目 : ドラマコーパスと日常会話コーパスを利用した反復構文の分析. 徐敏徹(愛媛大学), 条件節の時制とモダリティ. 有田節子(立命館大学); 第121回例会 : 日時・場所 2023年7月8日(土) 13:30-16:45 於 Zoom, 発表題目 : 台湾華語の二つの助動詞について --似た文脈における使用と realis/irrealis 分析の問題点--. 鄭雅云(京都大学), ダパ語類別詞の機能拡張. 白井聡子(東京大学); 第122回例会 : 日時・場所 2023年12月9日(土) 13:30-16:45 於 京都大学総合研究2号館第8講義室, 発表題目 : イラン諸語と言語接触 --タリシュ語を例に--. 岩崎崇雅(京都大学大学院), キルギス語の助動詞 ele と文接続機能の可能性. 大崎紀子(京都大 ...
日本語数量詞遊離現象についての考察 --意味役割を中心に--
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2023/12/31 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2023/12/31 9:00:00)
タイトル: 日本語数量詞遊離現象についての考察 --意味役割を中心に--著者: 王, 丹抄録: 本稿は意味役割を中心に数量詞遊離の条件を明らかにし,その条件が生じる要因を説明することを目的とする。統語,格,情報構造,意味役割という文法の4つのレベルの対応関係に基づき,項と付加詞,直接受身文と間接受身文,内項と外項を巡って,対象と動作主のいずれも数量詞の遊離が許されるという仮説を検証した。その結果,対象と動作主ともに数量詞の遊離が許されるが,一定の条件が存在することがわかった。本稿は「semanticmacroroles」の概念を用い,その条件が生じる要因を次のように説明した。「undergoer-patient」の場合,[+Affectedness]のプロトタイプ的な対象で数量詞の遊離が許されやすいのは,対象からの数量詞遊離が受影性による階層 ...
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