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Intimidation, surveillance and conspiracy theories: inside the FT’s five-year investigation of a billion-dollar fraud
Promoting built-for-disaster-purpose mobile applications: An interdisciplinary literature review to increase their penetration rate among tourists
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2020/9/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2020/9/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: Promoting built-for-disaster-purpose mobile applications: An interdisciplinary literature review to increase their penetration rate among tourists著者: Aliperti, Giuseppe; Cruz, Ana Maria抄録: This study focuses on the promotion and use of tourist-oriented built-for-disasterpurpose mobile applications. The investigation relies on two trends that are characterizing modern societies. The first trend refers to the fact that recently, rapidly, and worldwide, the number of mobile applications users increased. The second trend refers to the fact that, worldwide, international tourism demand highly increased from the beginning of the 1960s to the mid-years of 2010s. These travelers are also users of mobile applications, and they use apps for several reasons, including those related to security/emergency issues. International travelers may need information such as risks at the destination, warnings, shelter locator services, emergency routes information, and traveler telephon ...
本研究所の夏季一斉休業に伴い、以下の通り、IRDB/JaLC準会員の申請・問い合わせ窓口を休止致します。窓口休止期間: 2020年8月13日(木)から16日(日)お問い合わせ等への返信は、8月17日(月)以降となります。なお、各サービス自体は上記期間中も停止いたしません。
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