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タイトル: 日本の琉球侵略後の明の對日警戒著者: 木村, 可奈子抄録: After the Imjin war, Japan tried to engage in peace negotiation with Ming and Joseon. It succeeded in making peace with Joseon but not with Ming. In order to examine why peace negotiations with the Ming were not successful, I considered the Ming dynasty’s wariness of Japan after the invasion of Ryukyu in 1609. After invading Ryukyu, Japan made Ryukyu send an irregular envoy to the Ming court to convey a request for the start of legal trade between Japan and Ming. But Ming was wary of Ryukyu and Japan behind it and ordered Ryukyu to send a tributary envoy ten years later, in other words, it ordered that an envoy not be sent for ten years. The invasion of Ryukyu made Ming suspicious of Joseon which had restarted trade with Japan in Busan. When Joseon learned that a memorial expressing suspicion of Joseon’s relations with Japan had been issued, Joseon immediately sent an envoy to clarify its po ...
本研究所の夏季一斉休業に伴い、以下の通り、 IRDB/JaLC準会員の申請・問い合わせ窓口を休止致します。 窓口休止期間: 2021年8月13日(金)?16日(月) お問い合わせ等への返信は、8月17日(火)以降となります。 なお、各サービス自体は上記期間中も停止いたしません。
Head for these cerulean waters, where the backdrop might be a medieval castle, a clifftop hamlet or an enchanted island
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