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from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2022/1/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2022/1/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: 腐食環境下で機能維持可能なメタボリズムRC柱構造の開発著者: 上田, 知弥; 植村, 佳大; 高橋, 良和抄録: 現行の維持管理方策では,腐食が重度な場合,鉄筋の取替を含む大規模更新を行う.一方で,柱では支保工の設置等が必要となり容易には実施できない.そこで本研究では,軸力支持下での腐食鉄筋取替を容易にすることで,腐食環境下で構造物の機能維持を可能とするRC柱の開発を目指す.提案構造は,腐食を許容し腐食ひび割れ顕在時に取替が可能な可換部と,可換部取替時に軸力を支持する永続部からなり,供用しながら腐食鉄筋の取替が可能である.軸力支持下での取替実験及び正負交番載荷実験の結果,腐食の有無に依らず軸力支持下で鉄筋取替ができ,取替が復元力特性に影響を与えないことを確認した.また,取 ...
タイトル: ヒトの問題解決能力の有無に基づくウマの選好注視著者: 杉元, 拓斗; 平田, 聡抄録: The ability to recognize and evaluate others is considered to be an important ability in selecting cooperative partners. There have been some studies on this ability in both humans and nonhuman animals, however, little empirical research has been conducted to examine how horses perceive humans. Here, we investigated whether horses can evaluate the problem-solving ability of humans in an unsolvable task. We showed horses a pair of two experimenters, one who can open the lid of a container (problem solver) and the other who cannot open the lid of the container (problem nonsolver), trying to open the lid of the container either with or without food in it. Gaze duration toward each experimenter was recorded and used as a proxy measurement of the attention of the horses. Horses watched the problem solver longer than the problem nonsolver in the food condition. They a ...
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2022/1/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2022/1/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: 都島梨紗著『非行からの「立ち直り」とは何か--少年院教育と非行経験者の語りから』著者: 岡邊, 健記述: 都島梨紗著: 晃洋書房,2021年
Ultrasonic characterization of alumina/silicone-rubber composites for acoustical applications
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2022/1/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2022/1/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: Ultrasonic characterization of alumina/silicone-rubber composites for acoustical applications著者: Biwa, Shiro; Iwasaki, Hideyasu抄録: Silicone rubber has been used commonly as a material for an acoustic lens in medical ultrasonic probes. In order to achieve the desired properties for an acoustic lens, i.e., acoustic impedance close that of, and wave velocity lower than that of, human body, different materials have been considered as fillers or dopants to be dispersed in silicone rubber. A micromechanics-based analysis has revealed that silicone-rubber composites can have the desired acoustical properties with a certainamount of dispersed alumina particles. In this study, the ultrasonic wave propagation characteristics of alumina-particle-dispersed silicone-rubber composites fabricated with different particle concentrations and average particle radii were investigated experimentally. Namely, the velocity and attenuation coefficient of longitudinal wave in the alumina/ ...
年末年始のIRDB/JaLC準会員の申請・問い合わせ窓口の対応は以下のとおりです。ご不便をおかけしますが、何卒よろしくお願いいたします。受付最終日: 12月28日(火曜日)17時で受付終了受付休止期間: 12月29日(水曜日)から1月3日(月曜日)まで受付開始: 1月4日(火曜日)9時から通常どおり受付
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