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「周防国国衙船所」が実際にどこにあったか、発掘などにより確定しているわけではないが、防府市に「船所」という地名があり、同所に周防国の国府津(港)が設けられたと考えられている。なお、「船所」は現在の住居表示では防府市国衙5丁目から警固町2丁目近辺にあたると思われ、JR防府駅の東側で、内陸部にあるが、中世においては、海岸であったと推定されている。いわゆる源平合戦で源義経が壇ノ浦に向かう際、「周防国在庁船所五郎正利」が船を献じたとの記事が、「吾妻鏡」第4の文治元年3月21日条(下記資料1『現代語訳吾妻鏡 2』p86)にみえる。このことについて、該当部分の注(資料1p212)によると、「正利」は周防国の在庁官人で、国衙の船所を管理した、とある。「国衙の船所」は、防府市にある「周防国 ...
Doctors, teachers and police have slipped down the earnings distribution since 2007
Netanyahu insists Israel will continue to hit Hizbollah targets
from UK homepage (2024/9/27 7:54:21)
from UK homepage (2024/9/27 7:54:21)
Prime minister casts doubt on US-led efforts to bring about a ceasefire and prevent war spreading across the region
UK chancellor ready to water down planned tax raid on ‘non-doms’
from UK homepage (2024/9/27 5:23:57)
from UK homepage (2024/9/27 5:23:57)
Rachel Reeves had hoped to raise £1bn a year by toughening a proposed Tory crackdown on wealthy foreigners
Chevron will leave John Hess off its board to win merger approval
from UK homepage (2024/9/27 3:47:37)
from UK homepage (2024/9/27 3:47:37)
US oil major had planned to appoint Hess CEO as part of its $53bn takeover of his company
Reeves to tell UK financial watchdog to prove it will support growth
from UK homepage (2024/9/27 3:04:11)
from UK homepage (2024/9/27 3:04:11)
Chancellor wants the Financial Conduct Authority to demonstrate it will back expansion of financial services
The Dubai-owned Ruby, sailing from Russia to Malta, was told to steer clear of Norwegian and Lithuanian ports
Russian businessman loses London lawsuit against sanctioned oligarch Andrey Guryev
from UK homepage (2024/9/27 2:08:23)
from UK homepage (2024/9/27 2:08:23)
Alexander Gorbachev had claimed he was entitled to a stake in PhosAgro
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