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ここに表示されている RSS/ATOM 記事を RSS と ATOM で配信しています。
Four big UK high street banks broke rules, says competition watchdog
from UK homepage (2024/7/25 21:52:45)
from UK homepage (2024/7/25 21:52:45)
HSBC handed more serious reprimand by Competition and Markets Authority for second time
The link between the yen and Silicon Valley stocks seems more than a coincidence
Pension fund says writedown of stake in troubled utility will ‘influence’ its approach
Start-ups like Wiz will have to learn the art of living longer
from UK homepage (2024/7/25 20:49:05)
from UK homepage (2024/7/25 20:49:05)
The decision of the Israeli-founded cyber security company and Google to call off their match has lessons for the tech sector
Coinbase fined £3.5mn by UK regulator over ‘high-risk’ customers
from UK homepage (2024/7/25 20:38:30)
from UK homepage (2024/7/25 20:38:30)
Penalty for exchange’s payments unit is first enforcement action by FCA against a firm enabling crypto trading
Labour must now capitalise on the country’s stability dividend
I’m a commodities sceptic, but even I see an opportunity in the green transition
from UK homepage (2024/7/25 19:46:16)
from UK homepage (2024/7/25 19:46:16)
Returns have been dismal over the past decade, but investment banks are buying into cleaner energy
大阪市平野区の概要〔成立〕 昭和49年7月(東住吉区から分区)〔面積〕 15.28平方キロメートル〔人口〕 185,617人 (令和6年6月1日現在推計) 〔区の花〕 わたの花〔区のマスコットキャラクター〕 ひらちゃん〔概要〕平野区は大阪市の東南部に位置し、区域面積は市内3番目の広さである。南部の喜連・瓜破・長吉地域は市営住宅や中高層住宅が建つ中に農地や古代の遺跡が存在し、中央部の平野地域は古い家々と多数の神社・仏閣のある歴史的な町並み、北部の加美地域は町工場も多く工業地域としての性格を有するなど、バラエティーに富んだまちになっている。また、町屋が続く美しいまち並みを持つ平野郷や、る寺・蔵・屋敷からなる歴史的なまち並みを持つ喜連環濠地区をはじめ、区内各地に歴史的建造物や遺跡を擁し、歴史に恵まれた ...
THG orders staff back to the office as it announces fresh job cuts
from UK homepage (2024/7/25 19:14:53)
from UK homepage (2024/7/25 19:14:53)
Ecommerce group tells staff to expect 171 redundancies and be in five days a week
London-based fintech receives approval from regulators in boost to expansion plans
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