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Title: 奥付
Development of extended pharmacokinetic models for propofol based on measured blood and brain concentrations
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/3/15 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/3/15 9:00:00)
タイトル: Development of extended pharmacokinetic models for propofol based on measured blood and brain concentrations著者: Kawata, Masayoshi; Yonezawa, Atsushi; Mineharu, Yohei; Itohara, Kotaro; Mizota, Toshiyuki; Matsui, Yoshihiro; Kikuchi, Takayuki; Yamao, Yukihiro; Yamamoto Hattori, Etsuko; Hamada, Miho; Hira, Daiki; Furukawa, Keiko; Miyamoto, Susumu; Terada, Tomohiro; Matsubara, Kazuo; Arakawa, Yoshiki抄録: Propofol's pharmacokinetics have been extensively studied using human blood samples and applied to target-controlled infusion systems; however, information on its concentration in the brain remains scarce. Therefore, this study aimed to simultaneously measure propofol plasma and brain concentrations in patients who underwent awake craniotomy and establish new pharmacokinetic model. Fifty-seven patients with brain tumors or brain lesions who underwent awake craniotomy were sequentially assigned to model-building and validating groups. Plasma and brain (lobectomy or uncap ...
Stage at diagnosis of colorectal cancer through diagnostic route: Who should be screened?
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/3/14 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/3/14 9:00:00)
タイトル: Stage at diagnosis of colorectal cancer through diagnostic route: Who should be screened?著者: Agatsuma, Nobukazu; Utsumi, Takahiro; Nishikawa, Yoshitaka; Horimatsu, Takahiro; Seta, Takeshi; Yamashita, Yukitaka; Tanaka, Yukari; Inoue, Takahiro; Nakanishi, Yuki; Shimizu, Takahiro; Ohno, Mikako; Fukushima, Akane; Nakayama, Takeo; Seno, Hiroshi抄録: Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a global health concern, with advanced-stage diagnoses contributing to poor prognoses. The efficacy of CRC screening has been well-established; nevertheless, a significant proportion of patients remain unscreened, with > 70% of cases diagnosed outside screening. Although identifying specific subgroups for whom CRC screening should be particularly recommended is crucial owing to limited resources, the association between the diagnostic routes and identification of these subgroups has been less appreciated. In the Japanese cancer registry, the diagnostic routes for groups discovered outsid ...
【3/11出来】『現代語訳 小右記 1』重版ご案内について
日本史上随一の発給数を誇る秀吉文書、約7000通を初めて集大成 『豊臣秀吉文書集』全9巻 ついに完結!について
Quantitative analysis of the effect of docetaxel-induced edema on quality of life in patients with breast cancer and related factors: a prospective cohort study
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/3/7 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/3/7 9:00:00)
タイトル: Quantitative analysis of the effect of docetaxel-induced edema on quality of life in patients with breast cancer and related factors: a prospective cohort study著者: Izawa, Tomoko; Kobayashi, Ami; Kawashima, Masahiro; Kawaguchi-Sakita, Nobuko; Nakakura, Akiyoshi; Kataoka, Yuki; Shide, Kenichiro; Mori, Yukiko; Yamazaki, Kazuhiro; Toi, Masakazu; Arao, Harue抄録: Background: Systemic edema is an adverse effect of docetaxel chemotherapy and causes distress to patients, including those receiving this agent for breast cancer. However, its characteristics and factors related to its effect on quality of life (QoL) have not been adequately investigated. In this study, we assessed systemic edema quantitatively, explored related factors, and evaluated QoL in patients receiving docetaxel for breast cancer. Methods: The study had a prospective cohort design and included 37 patients with no known history of swelling who were treated with docetaxel between September 2019 and April 2 ...
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