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URL:http://www.library.pref.osaka.jp/開館情報:開館時間火曜日~金曜日 午前9時~午後7時 (ただし、こども資料室・国際児童文学館は午後5時まで)土・日曜日、祝・休日 午前9時~午後5時休館日毎週月曜日(その日が祝・休日のときは開館。その翌日を振替休館)毎月第2木曜日(図書館が定める日は開館)年末年始(12月29~1月4日)利用条件:資料の利用は無料です。資料を借りるには「利用者カード」が必要です。大阪府内に在住、通勤、通学の方、および近畿圏に在住の方に発行しています。 住所・氏名・生年月日を確認できるもの(運転免許証、保険証、住民票など)を添えて、1階・登録カウンターへお申し込みください。 (府立中之島図書館でも使用できます) ※個人情報は、図書館業務以外に使うことはありません。注意事項:書庫内資 ...
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from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/11/1 11:22:21)
from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/11/1 11:22:21)
①「梅雨咲く花」林不忘②「土蔵」西尾正③「癩鬼」渡辺啓助④「癩人」小笠原正太郎⑤「厨子家の悪霊」山田風太郎 p.95~癩の記述あり。⑥「水族館の殺人」香山滋全集3巻p290にあり。⑦「花の死」宮野叢子⑧「レプラの饗宴」妖奇:日本唯一の異色探偵雑誌 巻号5(5)(44)にあり作者は、向井種夫 ※国立国会図書館遠隔複写依頼可能(国立国会デジタルコレクションはなし)回答プロセス:Webcat Plusで検索参考資料:厨子家の悪霊 山田風太郎/著 角川春樹事務所 1997.6 913.6, 4-89456-323-1参考資料:香山滋全集 3 香山滋/著∥竹内博/責任編集 三一書房 1994.11 918.68, 4-380-94534-0参考資料:らい文献目録編集委員会 編. らい文献目録 〔第1〕. 長島愛生園, 1957.https://ndlsearch.ndl.go.jp/books/R100000039-I1376882,
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/11/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/11/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: 京都大学附属図書館、大阪大学附属図書館及び神戸大学附属図書館の連携・協力活動におけるライブラリー・スキーマ検討の取り組み著者: 飯田, 智子; 石黒, 康太; 菊谷, 智史; 坂田, 絵理子; 田中, 志瑞子; 西川, 真樹子
Sequential formation of supermassive stars and heavy seed BHs through the interplay of cosmological cold accretion and stellar radiative feedback
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/11/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/11/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: Sequential formation of supermassive stars and heavy seed BHs through the interplay of cosmological cold accretion and stellar radiative feedback著者: Kiyuna, Masaki; Hosokawa, Takashi; Chon, Sunmyon抄録: Supermassive stars (SMSs) and heavy seed black holes, as their remnants, are promising candidates for supermassive black hole (SMBH) progenitors, especially for ones observed in the early universe z≃8.5-10 by recent JWST observations. Expected cradles of SMSs are the atomic cooling haloes (Mₕₐₗₒ≃10⁷M[⊙]), where ‘cold accretion’ emerges and possibly forms SMSs. We perform a suit of cosmological radiation hydrodynamics simulations and investigate star formation after the emergence of cold accretion, solving radiative feedback from stars inside the halo. We follow the mass growth of the protostars for ~3Myr, resolving the gas inflow down to ~0.1 pc scales. We discover that, after cold accretion emerges, multiple SMSs of m[⋆]≳10⁵M[⊙] form at t ...
Impacts of building modifications on the turbulent flow and heat transfer in urban surface boundary layers
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/11/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/11/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: Impacts of building modifications on the turbulent flow and heat transfer in urban surface boundary layers著者: Tanji, Seika; Takemi, Tetsuya; Duan, Guangdong抄録: This study examines turbulent airflow and upward heat transport in real urban environments using a building-resolving large-eddy simulation model to understand the characteristics of turbulent airflow and upward heat transport when geometrical distributions of buildings are modified. The target areas were two real urban districts within Osaka City, Japan, having different morphological features. In the numerical experiments, the initial condition was set to a neutral condition in which temperature is uniformly distributed vertically, and buildings emitted heat at a constant rate. The results in the two districts indicated that the features of turbulence and heat transport distinctly differed with different building arrangement. Specifically, taller buildings significantly decelerated airflows and induced wa ...
Temperament in Early Childhood Is Associated With Gut Microbiota Composition and Diversity
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/11/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/11/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: Temperament in Early Childhood Is Associated With Gut Microbiota Composition and Diversity著者: Ueda, Eriko; Matsunaga, Michiko; Fujihara, Hideaki; Kajiwara, Takamasa; Takeda, K., Aya; Watanabe, Satoshi; Hagihara, Keisuke; Myowa, Masako抄録: Temperament is a key predictor of human mental health and cognitive and emotional development. Although human fear behavior is reportedly associated with gut microbiome in infancy, infant gut microbiota changes dramatically during the first 5 years, when the diversity and composition of gut microbiome are established. This period is crucial for the development of the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in emotion regulation. Therefore, this study investigated the relationship between temperament and gut microbiota in 284 preschool children aged 3–4 years. Child temperament was assessed by maternal reports of the Children's Behavior Questionnaire. Gut microbiota (alpha/beta diversity and genera abundance) was evaluated using 16S ...
Two Aramaic Piyyutim from the Second Crusade (1148)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/11/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/11/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: Two Aramaic Piyyutim from the Second Crusade (1148)著者: Katsumata, Naoya; Wout, van Bekkum抄録: A single folio from MS 119 in the Geneva Genizah includes two unknown and unpublished piyyutim in Aramaic, which are presented in this study for the first time. The two hymns can be precisely dated to the year 1148, the time of the Second Crusade. They resemble each other to a significant extent in terms of content and prosody, referring to a dire historical situation that can be explicitly linked to the siege of Damascus in the summer of 1148. This study presents a critical edition of the two Aramaic piyyutim together with an English translation alongside other textual elements within the remarkable context of this unique folio.
Dataset for the paper Impact of Charge Distribution on the Stability of Ferroelectric Nematic Liquid Crystals
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/11/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/11/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: Dataset for the paper Impact of Charge Distribution on the Stability of Ferroelectric Nematic Liquid Crystals著者: Matheus, de Mello
Additional treatments after curettage of congenital melanocytic nevi in the craniofacial region: Areport from a single center in Japan.
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/11/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/11/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: Additional treatments after curettage of congenital melanocytic nevi in the craniofacial region: Areport from a single center in Japan.著者: Masuno, Haruko; Sakamoto, Michiharu; Katayama, Yasuhiro; Yamanaka, Hiroki; Tsuge, Itaru; Katsube, Motoki; Saito, Susumu; Morimoto, Naoki抄録: Background: Congenital melanocytic nevus (CMN) is a benign skin lesion present from birth, which may present with a risk of malignant transformation if extensive. Curettage, a treatment method involving the removal of the superficial layer of the nevus, is often used in the early stages of life. However, recurrence of the nevus and postoperative scarring may present as problems. Additional treatments, such as resection and/or laser treatment, are regularly required after curettage, particularly in the craniofacial region. However, no systematic treatment strategy has been reported. This study investigated additional treatments used after curettage to treat CMN in the craniofacial region and ...
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