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Tadalafil use is associated with a lower incidence of Type 2 diabetes in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia: A population-based cohort study
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/11/1 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/11/1 9:00:00)
タイトル: Tadalafil use is associated with a lower incidence of Type 2 diabetes in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia: A population-based cohort study著者: Takayama, Atsushi; Yoshida, Satomi; Kawakami, Koji抄録: BACKGROUND: Tadalafil, commonly prescribed for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), may benefit patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) for glycemic markers and complications. However, the association between the long-term use of tadalafil and the incidence of T2DM has not been investigated. METHODS: We emulated a target trial of tadalafil use (5 mg/day) and the risk of T2DM using a population-based claims database in Japan. Patients who initiated tadalafil or alpha-blockers for BPH and had no history of diabetes diagnosis, no dispensing of glucose-lowering drugs, and no history of hemoglobin A1c levels of ≥6.5% (47–48 mmol/mol) were included. The primary outcome was the incidence of T2DM. Pooled logistic regression was used to estimate adjusted risk ratios ...
以下の資料と情報を紹介した。1 図書『皇室事典 令和版』(皇室事典編集委員会編著 KADOKAWA 2019) p37「奈良時代以前の命名法」 「古くは命名の次第などは定かでない。(中略)しかし古くは皇子の生誕地や、養育に与った地域・集団などの名称、兄弟関係にちなんだ例が少なくない。(中略)乳母の名にちなむものに、32 崇峻天皇の泊瀬部、38 天智天皇の葛城」とあり。『天智天皇』(森公章著 吉川弘文館 2016) p12-15 葛城の地名などについて説明あり。 p15「命名の由来と中大兄の語義」 「天智=葛城皇子の命名は、「葛城宮」のような独自の王宮があったのではなく、雄族葛城氏とは系譜を異にし、葛城に拠点をもつ中小豪族、葛城国造や葛城県主とつながる士族や葛木稚犬養氏などが、乳母として資養を担当したので、乳母の氏族名に ...
Disappointing Microsoft earnings prompt biggest one-day drop for US equities since early September
Western consumer groups unconvinced by China’s economic stimulus efforts
from UK homepage (2024/11/1 3:25:43)
from UK homepage (2024/11/1 3:25:43)
Falling sales for luxury, beauty and beer companies fuel doubts about Beijing’s attempts to boost confidence
UK borrowing costs hit highest level this year as gilt sell-off intensifies
from UK homepage (2024/11/1 3:14:37)
from UK homepage (2024/11/1 3:14:37)
Bond markets unnerved by scale of extra borrowing in chancellor Rachel Reeves’ Budget
Reeves seeks to reassure investors about government’s fiscal plan
from UK homepage (2024/11/1 2:41:26)
from UK homepage (2024/11/1 2:41:26)
Executives have warned that cuts have left the UK struggling to counter a rise in Russian and Chinese propaganda
Banks’ use of AI could be included in stress tests, says BoE deputy governor
from UK homepage (2024/11/1 2:25:41)
from UK homepage (2024/11/1 2:25:41)
Sarah Breeden says technology’s ‘power and use . . . is growing fast’
Donald Trump says he will protect women whether they ‘like it or not’
from UK homepage (2024/11/1 2:21:59)
from UK homepage (2024/11/1 2:21:59)
Comments in final days of US presidential campaign are ‘very offensive’ to female voters, Kamala Harris says
Advisers race to rethink approach after Rachel Reeves pledges to bring retirement pots under inheritance levy regime
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