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Germany highlights focus on defence talks and the call for greater youth mobility
FCA to probe potential rip-offs in UK pure protection insurance market
from UK homepage (2024/8/28 22:04:38)
from UK homepage (2024/8/28 22:04:38)
Financial regulator to examine whether customers receive poor value for products such as critical illness cover
Investors turn cautious on tech ahead of US chipmaker’s results
Life insurer says it has taken steps to reposition business in anticipation of ‘macroeconomic headwinds’ in China
The Democratic nominee’s reluctance to do interviews will not help sell her to undecided voters
ONS data underscores uneven social impact of surge in living costs
Italy steps up clampdown on boats rescuing migrants in Mediterranean Sea
from UK homepage (2024/8/28 20:09:34)
from UK homepage (2024/8/28 20:09:34)
Impounding of MSF’s ship for 60 days is 23rd seizure of a vessel by Giorgia Meloni’s government
The lack of a world-class communicator poses real risks for Labour
Starmer lays ground for unpopular moves, though pay-off is uncertain
from UK homepage (2024/8/28 17:35:31)
from UK homepage (2024/8/28 17:35:31)
Labour’s options for tax rises and spending cuts in Budget risk public hardship and political difficulty
以下の資料を提供しました。【資料1】『新修 米子市史11巻』 p.190に都市公園について一部掲載【資料2】『米子市民レガッタ50周年記念誌(DVD付)』【資料3】『米子中学校内クラス対抗ボート大会』●漕艇場の歴史については、以下の資料を確認しました。【資料4】『米子商業史』p.458「西町」…「大正時代には東側に貸しボート屋もできた。」のみ記述あり【資料5】『新修米子市史第4巻』p.754「漕艇の米子」漕艇の歴史が主。漕艇場の歴史については記載なし。【資料6】『米子市四十周年史』p.336「県営米子艇庫」…湊山公園拡張事業で錦海が埋め立てられ、新たに艇庫を建てたことが書かれている。【資料7】『錦公園と米子港の歴史』(米子市立山陰歴史館発行)…記載なし【資料8】『史跡米子城跡 保存活用計画書』(米子市教育委 ...
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