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SARTRASの共通目的基金による2024年度の委託事業として、「リクエストセミナー「学ぼう!使おう!学校での著作権活用セミナー」」を実施することとなりました。(委託先:公益社団法人著作権情報センター(CRIC)) 初等中等教育の教育機関の教職員の方、児童生徒及び教育機関の設置者の職員等を対象としたセミナーを教育機関等の皆さまからのリクエストを受けて開催させて頂くものです。 セミナーの開催をご希望される方は、下記をご参照のうえ、お気軽にお問い合わせください。 https://www.cric.or.jp/education/school_seminar.html The post リクエストセミナー「学ぼう!使おう!学校での著作権活用セミナー」開催のご案内 first appeared on 一般社団法人 授業目的公衆送信補償金等管理協会 .
South Korea’s ‘Luke Skywalker’ strikes blow against President Yoon
from UK homepage (2024/4/11 14:52:00)
from UK homepage (2024/4/11 14:52:00)
Convicted former justice minister helps deliver resounding electoral victory for leftwing alliance
学友会主催の新入学生相談会が12日まで創学館1階の談話室で開かれています。 5日に入学して、まだ教室の場所さえ分からない新入学生の相談に乗ろうと、 大学の生活科学科、食物栄養学科、短期大学部の健康栄養学科、幼児教育学科、 地域創成学科の各学科の先輩が日替わりで務めています。 不安な面持ちでやって来た新入学生は、頼れる先輩方と授業のことや学生生活の アレコレなどを話している内にホッとした表情になっていました。 先輩方、これからもよろしくお願いします!
新年度がスタートしました!高校生のみなさんも一つ学年が上がり、新しい後輩もできて部活も新体制!と、これからの1年に期待してワクワクしている頃ではないでしょうか? もう少し、そんなワクワク感に浸らせてほしいという一方で、自分の進路を決定させないと!と心のどこかに焦りのようなものを抱えている人もいるのでは? そんな時は、まず動いてみましょう!「でも…オープンキャンパスにはまだ早いんじゃ…」「部活が忙しくて…」といろいろ行けない理由を考えるのではなく、とにかく動いてみることが大事です! 健康栄養学科では年間6回の「ちょっとサキドリ!女子大生」を開催しています。大学での講義や実験・実習の模擬授業を、大学の授業時間で体験してもらう催しです。オープンキャンパスの模擬時間では ...
Information geometric bound on general chemical reaction networks
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/4/11 0:00:00)
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/4/11 0:00:00)
Title: Information geometric bound on general chemical reaction networksAuthors: Mizohata, Tsuyoshi; Kobayashi, Tetsuya J.; Bouchard, Louis-S.; Miyahara, HideyukiAbstract: We investigate the convergence of chemical reaction networks (CRNs), aiming to establish an upper bound on their reaction rates. The nonlinear characteristics and discrete composition of CRNs pose significant challenges in this endeavor. To circumvent these complexities, we adopt an information geometric perspective, utilizing the natural gradient to formulate a nonlinear system. This system effectively determines an upper bound for the dynamics of CRNs. We corroborate our methodology through numerical simulations, which reveal that our constructed system converges more rapidly than CRNs within a particular class of reactions. This class is defined by the count of chemicals, the highest stoichiometric coefficients in the reactions, and the total number of reactions involved. Further, we juxtapose our approach with tr ...
UK-based lender to sell business to Grupo Financiero Galicia for $550mn as it exits market racked with hyperinflation
Predicting attitudes toward ambiguity using natural language processing on free descriptions for open-ended question measurements
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/4/9 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/4/9 9:00:00)
タイトル: Predicting attitudes toward ambiguity using natural language processing on free descriptions for open-ended question measurements著者: Hitsuwari, Jimpei; Okano, Hirohito; Nomura, Michio抄録: Individual traits and reactions to ambiguity differ and are conceptualized in terms of an individual's attitudes toward ambiguity or ambiguity tolerance. The development of natural language processing technology has made it possible to measure mental states and reactions through open-ended questions, rather than predefined numerical rating scales, which have traditionally been the dominant method in psychological research. This study presented three ambiguity-related situations and responses collected online from 591 participants in an open-ended format. After the analysis with bidirectional encoder representations from transformers, correlations were calculated using scores from the numerical evaluation by conventional questionnaire, and a significant moderate positive correlatio ...
Micro-patterned culture of iPSC-derived alveolar and airway cells distinguishes SARS-CoV-2 variants.
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/4/9 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/4/9 9:00:00)
タイトル: Micro-patterned culture of iPSC-derived alveolar and airway cells distinguishes SARS-CoV-2 variants.著者: Masui, Atsushi; Hashimoto, Rina; Matsumura, Yasufumi; Yamamoto, Takuya; Nagao, Miki; Noda, Takeshi; Takayama, Kazuo; Gotoh, Shimpei抄録: The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) variants necessitated a rapid evaluation system for their pathogenesis. Lung epithelial cells are their entry points; however, in addition to their limited source, the culture of human alveolar epithelial cells is especially complicated. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are an alternative source of human primary stem cells. Here, we report a model for distinguishing SARS-CoV-2 variants at high resolution, using separately induced iPSC-derived alveolar and airway cells in micro-patterned culture plates. The position-specific signals induced the apical-out alveolar type 2 and multiciliated airway cells at the periphery and center of the colonies, re ...
Adenosine triphosphate induces amorphous aggregation of amyloid β by increasing Aβ dynamics
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/4/7 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/4/7 9:00:00)
タイトル: Adenosine triphosphate induces amorphous aggregation of amyloid β by increasing Aβ dynamics著者: Kuramochi, Masahiro; Nakamura, Momoka; Takahashi, Hiroto; Komoriya, Tomoe; Takita, Teisuke; Pham, Ngan Thi Kim; Yasukawa, Kiyoshi; Yoshimune, Kazuaki抄録: Amyloid β (Aβ) aggregates into two distinct fibril and amorphous forms in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a biological hydrotrope that causes Aβ to form amorphous aggregates and inhibit fibril formation at physiological concentrations. Based on diffracted X-ray blinking (DXB) analysis, the dynamics of Aβ significantly increased immediately after ATP was added compared to those in the absence and presence of ADP and AMP, and the effect diminished after 30 min as the aggregates formed. In the presence of ATP, the β-sheet content of Aβ gradually increased from the beginning, and in the absence of ATP, the content increased rapidly after 180 min incubation, as reveal ...
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