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Nico D. Müller(2022)Kantianism for Animals
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/3/31 0:00:00)
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/3/31 0:00:00)
Title: Nico D. Müller(2022)Kantianism for AnimalsAuthors: 清水, 颯; 竹下, 昌志
The executive on the streaming boom, the challenge of AI — and taking Harry Styles to see Luton FC
第59回学園教育充実研究会は、このほど建学記念講堂で開かれ、各学科で取り組んでいる地域連携活動の事例などを紹介しました。 教育力の向上と教職員の相互連携を目的に同研究会が、地域連携推進室との共催で実施しました。大学・短大の5学科の教員が各分野の特長を生かし、学生とともに繰り広げている地域に根差した活動や成果を発表しました。また、地域連携推進室から今後の展望も示されました。 発表された内容は次の通り。 ◎地域貢献のモチベーションとシビックプライドの向上(生活科学科 長田城治先生) ◎保育分野における地域連携と授業化の取り組み(幼児教育学科 柴田 卓先生) ◎地域を支える人材を育む地域連携活動の取り組み(健康栄養学科 金子依里香先生) ◎地域で学ぶ2年次必修科目『地域創成プロジ ...
健康栄養学科です♪ 進路を決めるにはまだ早いと思っている新高校2・3年生はいませんか? そんなことはありません。比較的自由な時間が取れる春休みを有効に使いましょう! 気になる大学のオープンキャンパスに足を運び、一人でじっくり、お友達とワイワイ、お家の人と一緒に、将来の夢に向かって自分が頑張る「場所」を見つける良いタイミングでもあります。 本学では、3月24日の日曜日に春のオープンキャンパスが開催され、健康栄養学科には18名の新2・3年のみなさんが参加しました。 今回の模擬授業は『調理学実習』から「作ってみよう!こどものおやつ」。参加生徒のみなさんにはバナナマフィンを作ってもらいました。「おやつ」は「補食」と言います。一度にたくさんの量の食事を食べることができない幼児にとって、 ...
Crystal-Like Atomic Arrangement and Optical Properties of 25La₂O₃-75MoO₃ Binary Glasses Composed of Isolated MoO₄²⁻
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/3/25 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/3/25 9:00:00)
タイトル: Crystal-Like Atomic Arrangement and Optical Properties of 25La₂O₃-75MoO₃ Binary Glasses Composed of Isolated MoO₄²⁻著者: Masuno, Atsunobu; Munakata, Sae; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Yaji, Toyonari; Kosugi, Yoshihisa; Shimakawa, Yuichi抄録: Transparent and brown La₂O₃-MoO₃ binary glasses were prepared in bulk form using a levitation technique. The glass-forming range was limited, with the primary composition being approximately 25 mol % La₂O₃. The 25La₂O₃-75MoO₃ glass exhibited a clear crystallization at 546 °C, while determining its glass transition temperature was difficult. Notably, despite its amorphous nature, the glass possessed a density and packing density comparable to those of crystalline La2Mo3O12. X-ray absorption fine structure and Raman scattering analyses revealed that the glass structure closely resembles La₂Mo₃O₁₂ due to the presence of isolated MoO₄²⁻ units, whereas disordered atomic arrangement around La atoms was con ...
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/3/25 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/3/25 9:00:00)
タイトル: AN EXTENSION OF THE FIEDLER-MOCHIZUKI THEORY FOR REGULATORY NETWORKS OF ODES TO TIME-DELAY SYSTEMS著者: KONDO, ATSUSHI抄録: We consider the dynamics of a system of differential equations called a Regulatory Network, which represents complex regulatory relationships such as gene regulatory networks. The paper by Fiedler-Mochizuki et al.[3] showed that it is possible to identify a set of determining nodes that determines the asymptotic dynamics of the Regulatory Network from its network structure alone. We extend this theory to the case where the regulatory network contains time delays.
In vitro co-expression chromatin assembly and remodeling platform for plant histone variants [an abstract of dissertation and a summary of dissertation review]
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/3/25 0:00:00)
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/3/25 0:00:00)
Title: In vitro co-expression chromatin assembly and remodeling platform for plant histone variants [an abstract of dissertation and a summary of dissertation review]Authors: BANKO, Petra Zsuzsanna
In vitro co-expression chromatin assembly and remodeling platform for plant histone variants
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/3/25 0:00:00)
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/3/25 0:00:00)
Title: In vitro co-expression chromatin assembly and remodeling platform for plant histone variantsAuthors: BANKO, Petra Zsuzsanna
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