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井筒俊彦の禅理解における意味分節の三段階 --ジーン・ブロッカーの禅理解との比較から
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/3/31 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/3/31 9:00:00)
タイトル: 井筒俊彦の禅理解における意味分節の三段階 --ジーン・ブロッカーの禅理解との比較から著者: 林, 哲平抄録: This paper aims to elucidate Toshihiko Izutsu’s conception of three stages of semantic articulation to philosophically elaborate the experience of Zen Buddhism in comparison with Gene Blocker’s understanding of Zen. Blocker proposes three stages of semantic investigation to clarify the nature of meaning, asserting that it is a projection. Additionally, Blocker discovers a similar understanding in Zen masters’ sayings. Likewise, Izutsu identifies three stages of semantic articulation in Zen masters’ thoughts: (1) articulation that posits an essence (essentialism), (2) non-articulation, and (3) articulation that does not posit an essence (non-essentialism). However, Izutsu interprets these thoughts as implying a metaphysical structure of self-articulation of non-articulation. Conversely, Blocker does not adopt the metaphy ...
タイトル: 表紙・目次・編集後記ほか
Title: 奥付
ふるさと納税における地場産品のサプライチェーン構造と返礼品の価格形成過程 : 北海道の自治体を事例に
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/3/31 0:00:00)
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/3/31 0:00:00)
Title: ふるさと納税における地場産品のサプライチェーン構造と返礼品の価格形成過程 : 北海道の自治体を事例にAuthors: 今井, 遼太郎; 清水池, 義治Abstract: The purpose of this study is to clarify the structure of the supply chain and the price determination process for agricultural products within Japanʼs unique "Hometown Tax Donation" system. The Hometown Tax Donation system allows taxpayers to make donations to municipalities other than their place of residence, and in return, they receive benefits in the form of tax deductions and thank-you gifts (often food). The market size of this system is approximately 1 trillion yen, with about 150 billion yen accounted for by agricultural products, making it a promising new sales channel. However, there are many issues regarding tax fairness, leading to heated debates and making it difficult to consider it a permanent fixture. This study analyzes the systemʼs operational reality and attempts ...
農福連携の継続要因と関係機関に求められる対応 : 北海道恵庭市を事例として
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/3/31 0:00:00)
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/3/31 0:00:00)
Title: 農福連携の継続要因と関係機関に求められる対応 : 北海道恵庭市を事例としてAuthors: 香川, 克樹; 東山, 寛Abstract: In recent years, as labor shortages in agriculture have become more serious, agricultural welfare partnerships have been attracting attention. However, the withdrawal rate from agricultural welfare partnerships is high nationwide, and there are issues of continuity. In addition, it has been pointed out that it is important to build a support system for agricultural welfare partnerships by relevant local organizations, and support by such organizations is required to enhance continuity. In this paper, based on a survey of the actual situation of the collaboration between Type B labor support facilities and agricultural enterprises in Eniwa City, Hokkaido, we clarify the factors necessary for the continuation of this collaboration and consider the performances of the related organizations. In order to continue the collaboration betw ...
家族農業経営における経営継承直後の販路拡大と展開方向 : 北海道タマネギ作経営を事例として
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/3/31 0:00:00)
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/3/31 0:00:00)
Title: 家族農業経営における経営継承直後の販路拡大と展開方向 : 北海道タマネギ作経営を事例としてAuthors: 髙橋, 成弥; 小松, 知未Abstract: This paper focuses on the management objectives and sales strategies in family farms immediately after succession, specifically analyzing a family farm in its third year of succession in Kuriyama Town, Hokkaido. The study reveals the practicalities and challenges of sales strategies based on management objectives. Additionally, considering potential constraints on future business resources, the paper discusses prospective directions for development. In the case study, the family farm management realized these objectives by coordinating multiple sales channels and adjusts strategies based on the objectives of "profit assurance" and "growth & customer creation." In the process of developing sales channels, the management objectives and the corresponding sales channel acquisition did not progress step by st ...
ミニトマト産地における新規参入者の継続的確保に繋がる要因 : 北海道仁木町及び新ひだか町静内地区を事例として
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/3/31 0:00:00)
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/3/31 0:00:00)
Title: ミニトマト産地における新規参入者の継続的確保に繋がる要因 : 北海道仁木町及び新ひだか町静内地区を事例としてAuthors: 菊池, 敬太; 東山, 寛Abstract: In this paper, we clarify the state of support for newcomers in Niki Town and Shizunai District, Hokkaido, and consider the factors that have made it possible to continuously secure newcomers in both areas. While the two regions have many common elements as cherry tomato producing areas, there were differences in training environments, acceptance requirements, and support systems, such as subsidies. The following were found as common factors in both regions: (1) brand power as a cherry tomato production area, (2) a system for accepting newcomers by various institutions and mentor farmers, (3) substantial financial support, (4) the existence of communal grading facilities, (5) a comfortable living environment, and (6) a track record of newcomers. In addition to being a large produc ...
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/3/31 0:00:00)
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/3/31 0:00:00)
Title: 中国・遼寧省における生乳生産・販売構造の変遷とその規定要因Authors: 陳, 瑠; 鄭, 海晶; 清水池, 義治Abstract: This paper clarifies changes in raw milk production and marketing in Liaoning Province, China, and the factors behind these changes. Liaoning Province is characterized as a suburban dairy area. The transition of milk production and marketing of dairy producers can be categorized into four types: directly managed farms, contract farms, own-processing farms, and farms with direct-to-consumer sales. The first two types are large-scale operations that sell raw milk to dairy manufacturers, while the latter two types are medium- and smallscale farming that obtain high milk prices through own-processing and direct sales of raw milk. The structure of milk production and marketing in Liaoning Province has evolved through two routes. One route leads to intensive, modern, large-scale farming, and the other route leads to small- and medium-scale f ...
しないに越したことはない : 超義務と亜義務の倫理学
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/3/31 0:00:00)
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/3/31 0:00:00)
Title: しないに越したことはない : 超義務と亜義務の倫理学Authors: 浦野, 敬介; 石田, 柊Abstract: 本論文では、超義務(supererogation) つまり望ましいが義務的でない行為と、亜義務(suberogation)つまり望ましくないが禁止されない行為について、規範的性質を詳しく検討する。まず、いわゆる「超義務のパラドックス」を構成する命題を一つ一つ明らかにし、超義務という考え方のどこに規範倫理学的な問題があるかを示す。次に、「超義務のパラドックス」に対する既存の哲学的見解の難点を示す。第三に、超義務には異なる二つの種類があると提案した上で、それぞれが道徳的に求められない理由を次のように区別して主張する。少額の募金のような超義務(慈恵型超義務)は、道徳的価値が小さすぎるため道徳的に求められない。これに対 ...
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/3/31 0:00:00)
from Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (2024/3/31 0:00:00)
Title: 変容的経験の悪しき推奨Authors: 佐々木, 梨花; 竹下, 昌志Abstract: 本論文では、マジョリティからマイノリティに対する「やってみなければわからない」という変容的経験の推奨を控える道徳的理由があることを示す。変容的経験とは、その経験をする前の時点からは、その経験がどのような特徴を持つのかわからず(認識的変容)、またその経験をすることで個人の選好体系や価値づけが変わってしまうために経験する前の時点で評価することができない(個人的変容)、という特徴を持つ経験のことである。このような変容的経験の一部、例えば親になること・子を持つこと、性的経験などは社会的に価値づけられている。こうした肯定的に価値づけられた変容的経験は、その経験をしたマジョリティから、その経験をしてないマイノ ...
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