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Buyout groups assess challenge of selling trillions of dollars worth of companies so they can return cash to investors
Flight south by party chair will worsen expected ‘red wall’ rout, officials warn
Bernard Arnault names son Frédéric as head of LVMH family holding group
from UK homepage (2024/6/7 1:19:04)
from UK homepage (2024/6/7 1:19:04)
Promotion for French billionaire’s second-youngest child follows his appointment as head of watches unit
President describes Putin as ‘tyrant bent on domination’ at 80th anniversary of D-Day landings in France
SpaceX’s Starship completes fourth test flight despite last minute hitch
from UK homepage (2024/6/7 0:44:27)
from UK homepage (2024/6/7 0:44:27)
Successful mission boosts Elon Musk’s plans to build a spacecraft able to take humans to Moon and beyond
渡邊邸(以下、渡辺邸)は、大阪市淀川区西三国に所在した大阪市内最古といわれた民家です。鬼退治伝説で知られる平安時代の武将・渡辺綱(わたなべのつな)の子孫が構えた家と伝えられています。平成24(2012)年10月に解体されました。以下の資料に渡辺家の「渡辺邸」について記述が見つかりました。(1) 『新修大阪市史 第3巻』(新修大阪市史編纂委員会 大阪市 1989)「第五章 近世前期の文化 第六節 大坂三郷と平野郷の構成と町屋と農家の家構 (二)渡辺家」の項のうち、p.1090-1091に「渡辺家は、源頼光の四天王の一人渡辺綱の後裔とも伝えられ、広大な主屋を中心に、門長屋や土蔵その他、多くの付属建物を巡らした豪壮な屋敷構」とあり、建物の説明が続きます。また「図89 渡辺家の間取図と復元図」に間取図が記載されています。( ...
from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/6/7 0:30:23)
from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/6/7 0:30:23)
以下、3点の資料を紹介いたします。・『欧州主要国の特許制度比較と域内統一特許制度への動き』B-2/Ⅳ-Ⅰ/-/NBT-99A・『ベネルックスにおけるプラント輸出企業の実態 : 我が国との協力の可能性』B-2243/Ⅵ-F/03/NB-80・『ベネルックス3国の投資環境, VOL.1』B-2243/Ⅺ-ud/-/btk
Scaning of specific documents of a collection of censuses and housing data between the 1960s and the 1990s on Syria(日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所図書館)
from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/6/7 0:30:22)
from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/6/7 0:30:22)
Usually, for censuses of countries like Iraq or Syria, we would recommend visiting the websites of the both countries by the central bureaus of statistics. http://www.cbssyr.sy/index.htmHowever, for censuses from several decades ago as in your case, they are often not available online.Therefore, we would like to propose two alternative options:1.Utilize the United Nations Statistics Division's (UNSD) demographic statistics. From their website, you can extract datasets by selecting the country and year range of interest.http://data.un.org/Explorer.aspx?d=POP2.For some of the censuses, the library of the London School of Economics holds collections for Syria. While you would need to visit the LSE library in person, you can access the physical materials from the central bureaus of statistics of both countries there.e.g.https://librarysearch.lse.ac.uk/permalink/44LSE_INST/1f110cn/alma9929552810302021Apart from the censuses from central bureaus of statistics in that country, there is a reso ...
Scaning of specific documents of a collection of censuses and housing data between the 1960s and the 1990s on Iraq(日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所図書館)
from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/6/7 0:30:22)
from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/6/7 0:30:22)
Usually, for censuses of countries like Iraq, we would recommend visiting the websites of the both countries by the central bureaus of statistics. https://cosit.gov.iq/ar/pop-main/enumerating2009However, for censuses from several decades ago as in your case, they are often not available online.Therefore, we would like to propose two alternative options:1.Utilize the United Nations Statistics Division's (UNSD) demographic statistics. From their website, you can extract datasets by selecting the country and year range of interest.http://data.un.org/Explorer.aspx?d=POP2.For some of the censuses, the library of the London School of Economics holds collections for Iraq. While you would need to visit the LSE library in person, you can access the physical materials from the central bureaus of statistics there.e.g.https://librarysearch.lse.ac.uk/permalink/44LSE_INST/1f110cn/alma9953821810302021Apart from the censuses from central bureaus of statistics in that country, there is a resource calle ...
・『化学便覧 基礎編 改訂6版』(日本化学会編 丸善出版 2021)p.342 アニリン硫酸塩の別名が硫酸アニリンとある。 ・『化学大辞典 1』(化学大辞典編集委員会編 共立出版 1963) p.208「アニリン」の項 「アニリン……硫酸塩:白色結晶性粉末。エーテルに不溶。以前鎮静剤として用いられた。」・『図解とフローチャートによる新有機化学実験』(浅田 誠一[ほか]共著 技報堂出版 1979)p.51「実験3 スルファニル酸の合成(スルホン化)」の項 「アニリンに硫酸を加えると硫酸アニリンになって固化し、硫酸アニリンは169℃で融解、180℃以上になると脱水反応によりスルファニル酸に転移して、再び固化する。」回答プロセス:化学科生徒のレポート。質問者より、『化学大辞典』や他の事典類に載っていなかったとのことで、『化学便覧 基 ...
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