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ABC News to pay $15mn to settle defamation suit with Donald Trump
from UK homepage (2024/12/15 9:14:27)
from UK homepage (2024/12/15 9:14:27)
The network will also express its ‘regret’ over comments by anchor George Stephanopoulos
Development of reinforced concrete column with replaceable plastic hinge based on metabolism concept
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/12/15 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/12/15 9:00:00)
タイトル: Development of reinforced concrete column with replaceable plastic hinge based on metabolism concept著者: Uemura, Keita; Hayashi, Manabu; Nishine, Koki; Takahashi, Yoshikazu抄録: To update seismic performance and rapidly restore the transportation capacity of a bridge following an earthquake, this study introduces a new reinforced concrete (RC) column, termed “Metabolic RC column, ” which incorporates the Design for Disassembly and Metabolism Movement concepts. The proposed column features a plastic hinge comprising a permanent hinge and replaceable plastic zones. A Mesnager hinge is employed as the permanent hinge to resist the axial loads within the column cross section. In addition, cast-in-place RC members are used in replaceable plastic zones to dissipate the seismic energy. By replacing the plastic zone with an equivalent or superior alternative while the permanent hinge continues to carry the axial forces, the updating (i.e., metabolization) of the column s ...
Evaluation of retrofitting effect of concrete filling in hollow RC columns using XFEM
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/12/15 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/12/15 9:00:00)
タイトル: Evaluation of retrofitting effect of concrete filling in hollow RC columns using XFEM著者: Uemura, Keita; Kasahara, Zen; Ichikawa, Daiki; Goto, Hiroyuki; Takahashi, Yoshikazu抄録: Hollow RC columns are widely utilized in the construction of high piers in mountainous regions. Recently, precast hollow RC columns have been increasingly used to enhance transportability and ease of handling, aiding Accelerated Bridge Construction. This paper evaluated the effectiveness of concrete-filling retrofitting measures for hollow RC columns using eXtended Finite Element Method (X-FEM). Our focus was particularly on instances where original hollow sections and post-filled concrete sections don't behave as unified structures. The proposed X-FEM model's reliability was validated through simulations replicating compressive strength tests on molded concrete specimens and previous static loading tests on hollow RC columns conducted to evaluate the efficacy of concrete-filling retrofittin ...
Concern grows over mysterious drone sightings along US east coast
from UK homepage (2024/12/15 6:13:26)
from UK homepage (2024/12/15 6:13:26)
Federal authorities move to quell disquiet over aerial phenomena
Western and regional leaders seek to deal with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham despite designation as a terrorist group
Germany’s CDU to offer voters tax cuts and immigration controls
from UK homepage (2024/12/14 23:11:22)
from UK homepage (2024/12/14 23:11:22)
Party’s manifesto for the forthcoming election, seen by the Financial Times, promises tougher stance
South Korean president vows to ‘never give up’ after impeachment vote
from UK homepage (2024/12/14 19:20:54)
from UK homepage (2024/12/14 19:20:54)
Yoon Suk Yeol has been suspended in the wake of his failed attempt to impose martial law
from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/12/14 16:46:32)
from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/12/14 16:46:32)
①について・拠出者:田中勘七郎 『明治用水百年史』(A614/メイ/A) p184 『安城市史』(A234.5/アン/A)p863 『芦池百年史』(A234.5/アシ/A)p39・金額:新池に限る情報は見当たらなかった・面積:25ヘクタール 『明治用水:地域をひらいて1世紀』(A614/マイ/A)p53【参考資料】 『明治用水〈復刻版〉』(A614/メイ/A) ②について無償交付の事実が分かる資料はあったが、経緯については不明【参考資料】『愛知県碧海郡誌』p475-476③について・工期、開拓人足延べ人数 『安城市史』(A234.5/アン/A)p864・費用、企画については不明回答プロセス:1.AA234.5をブラウジング・『芦池百年史』(A234.5/アシ/A) p39・・・「一八八〇年(明治一三)明治用水の完成によって芦池、新池などは不要になり、両池は、用水工事出資者の田中勘七郎に払い下げ ...
『中国歴史人物選 第2巻 ゴビに生きた男たち 李陵と蘇武』(冨谷至/著 白帝社1994)、『文選 詩篇5』([蕭統/撰]、川合康三/[ほか]訳注 岩波書店 2019)p.251-258「與蘇武三首」、p.258-271「詩四首」、『史記 武帝紀 6 』(北方謙三/著 角川春樹事務所2011)、『平家物語 全訳注1』(杉本圭三郎/[全訳注]講談社2017)p.461-470「巻第二 蘇武」などを紹介。
from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/12/14 16:00:29)
from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/12/14 16:00:29)
宅地化される前の状況などが分かる資料として、『地図に刻まれた歴史と景観 2 明治・大正・昭和 市川市・浦安市』(小室正紀/編著 新人物往来社 1992)、『校歌は生きている』(市川市教育委員会 1987)、『図説 市川の歴史 第2版』(市立市川考古・歴史博物館/編集 市川市教育委員会 2015)、『市川市史 第4巻 現代・文化』(市川市史編纂委員会/編集 市川市 1975)等を紹介した。また、明治から昭和にかけての地図として、「市川驛」(参謀本部陸軍部測量局 明治13年測量 1887)、「船橋 正式二万分一地形図 1907」(大日本帝国陸地測量部 明治36年測図 1907)、「明治前期関東平野地誌図集成1880(明治13)年~1886(明治19)年」(地図資料編纂会/編集 柏書房 1989)等を紹介した。
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