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from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/9/5 0:30:24)
from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/9/5 0:30:24)
ご質問が広範囲にわたっておりますので、いくつか関連資料をお伝えします。参考文献等をご確認の上、必要な文献等を探していただくのがよいかと思います。① Lieven, A. (2021). An Afghan Tragedy: The Pashtuns, the Taliban and the State. Survival, 63(3), 7-36. https://doi.org/10.1080/00396338.2021.1930403アフガニスタンの社会状況や、タリバンが台頭した背景等、コンパクトにまとめられています。こちらの参考文献や、このページの右カラムに関連する論文が表示されていますので、そちらからさらに関連する論文を選んでいただくのがよいかと思います。かなりの論文がオープンアクセスになっています。② "NATO's engagement in Afghanistan, 2003-2021: a planner’s perspective" https://www.nato.int/docu/review/articles/2023/06/20/nato-s-engagement-in-afghanistan-2003-2021-a-planners-perspective/index.html2003年から ...
EU still not ‘fully prepared’ for next health crisis, warns audit body
from UK homepage (2024/9/5 0:02:56)
from UK homepage (2024/9/5 0:02:56)
European Court of Auditors says closer co-operation on data and testing would help fix shortcomings exposed by Covid
The Irish schools experiment: a year for students to find themselves
from UK homepage (2024/9/4 23:56:29)
from UK homepage (2024/9/4 23:56:29)
‘Transition year’ part way through secondary school is a chance for personal development and community service
‘Incompetence, dishonesty and greed’: Key findings of Grenfell report
from UK homepage (2024/9/4 23:31:10)
from UK homepage (2024/9/4 23:31:10)
Fire inquiry points blame at cladding companies and past government ministers
Market turbulence driven by fears of potential US economic slowdown and fall in Nvidia shares
UK government plans to end the beneficial tax treatment of riches overseas is causing millionaires to look elsewhere
Plan for world’s largest low-emission plant of its kind in limbo over push for US subsidies
Investment sites welcome decision to drop new product drawn up by last Conservative administration
Dublin Airport chief says ‘outdated’ passenger cap puts 1,000 aviation jobs at risk
from UK homepage (2024/9/4 22:23:26)
from UK homepage (2024/9/4 22:23:26)
Operator warns limit of 32mn will hurt country’s foreign direct investment
Partial climbdown by billionaire follows freezing of satellite internet group’s finances over fines levied on social media site
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