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from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/11/5 8:58:55)
from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/11/5 8:58:55)
参考資料に記載した資料を紹介した。回答プロセス:求めている情報と合致せず、紹介に至らなかった資料は以下のとおり。・『マンションで犬や猫と上手に暮らす』金巻とも子/著 新日本出版社 2007年 抽象的な話が多い・『マンション管理組合・管理会社これからのマンション管理ガイド』日下部理絵/著 ぱる出版 2014年・『すぐに役立つアパート・マンション大家さんのための賃貸トラブル実践解決マニュアル』梅原ゆかり/監修 尾込平一郎/監修 三修社 2011年参考資料:國重愼二, 藤本博史 共著. マンション管理・紛争解決マニュアル : 実例でわかる 新装増補版. 自由国民社, 2007.https://ndlsearch.ndl.go.jp/books/R100000002-I000008527246, 978-4-426-10293-7(p22-27「新設した動物の飼育禁止規約の効力は」内に裁判例と集合住宅における動物飼育モデル規程の ...
Pennsylvania judge declines to halt Elon Musk’s $1mn voter giveaway
from UK homepage (2024/11/5 8:09:04)
from UK homepage (2024/11/5 8:09:04)
Trump and Harris race to secure Pennsylvania votes in campaign’s final leg
from UK homepage (2024/11/5 6:39:00)
from UK homepage (2024/11/5 6:39:00)
Polling in biggest swing state still shows presidential candidates in a dead heat
Markets move after poll shows unexpected groundswell of support for Kamala Harris ahead of Tuesday’s election
What would happen to Trump’s criminal cases if he wins the election?
from UK homepage (2024/11/5 5:00:57)
from UK homepage (2024/11/5 5:00:57)
Historic indictments against the former president would be derailed — or disappear entirely — if he returns to the White House
The opinionated billionaire isn’t on the ballot, but he has turned the US election into an effective pulpit
Franklin Templeton hit by further outflows in wake of Western probe
from UK homepage (2024/11/5 3:30:32)
from UK homepage (2024/11/5 3:30:32)
US asset manager says group revenue and income will be weighed down by troubles at unit
Stride and Patel join UK shadow cabinet as Badenoch fills key posts
from UK homepage (2024/11/5 3:22:29)
from UK homepage (2024/11/5 3:22:29)
New Conservative leader hands roles to MPs who contested the Tory leadership election
Ministers will increase cap in line with inflation to £9,535 after eight-year freeze
Voters are on edge after a campaign season characterised by ‘unprecedented’ levels of extreme rhetoric
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