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Ben Pentreath: my volte face from committed renter to new homeowner
from UK homepage (2024/10/11 20:00:03)
from UK homepage (2024/10/11 20:00:03)
Ten years ago, the architectural and interior designer wrote a piece for this paper extolling the virtues of renting. But he broke his own rules — and is now on the road to home ownership
Garden insiders are increasingly forgoing modern blooms-on-steroids for original ‘species’ varieties, with their vintage beauty, disease resistance – and bang for your buck
Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Japan atomic bomb survivors’ group
from UK homepage (2024/10/11 19:55:50)
from UK homepage (2024/10/11 19:55:50)
Nihon Hidankyo movement recognised for decades of campaigning against nuclear weapons
Nuclear war, revolution and belonging — Baillie Gifford shortlist offers reading for our time
from UK homepage (2024/10/11 19:28:28)
from UK homepage (2024/10/11 19:28:28)
Judge praises the ‘profound insights’ of the final six authors in contention for the £50,000 non-fiction prize
Lars Windhorst companies to be auctioned after showjumping business dispute
from UK homepage (2024/10/11 19:08:19)
from UK homepage (2024/10/11 19:08:19)
Almost two dozen groups owned by German financier scheduled to be sold next week
Amid unfunny stereotypes, these portrayals of neurotic families contain some uncomfortable truths
The human and financial repercussions are a wake-up call about the realities of climate change
『思わず話したくなる「深海魚」のふしぎ』をご案内。参考資料:クリエイティブ・スイート 編著 , クリエイティブスイート. 思わず話したくなる「深海魚」のふしぎ. 宝島社, 2011. (宝島sugoi文庫)https://iss.ndl.go.jp/books/R100000002-I000011223627-00, 9784796682732
Investors are wise to be sceptical of Tesla chief’s entertaining vision of autonomous taxis and humanoid robots
鉱物図鑑や図録など、写真の多い図書をご案内。『美しい鉱物 : レアメタルから宝石まで鉱物の基本がわかる!』『岩石と宝石の大図鑑』『よくわかる岩石・鉱物図鑑』など。参考資料:松原聰監修 , 松原, 聰. 美しい鉱物 : レアメタルから宝石まで鉱物の基本がわかる!. 学研教育出版, 2013. (学研の図鑑,)https://iss.ndl.go.jp/books/R100000096-I004891026-00, 9784054055780参考資料:ロナルド・ルイス・ボネウィッツ著 ; 青木正博訳 , Bonewitz, Ronald Louis , 青木, 正博 , Carruthers, Margaret , Efthim, Richard. 岩石と宝石の大図鑑. 誠文堂新光社, 2007.https://iss.ndl.go.jp/books/R100000096-I003696152-00, 9784416807002参考資料:円城寺守監修 , 円城寺, 守. よくわかる岩石・鉱物図鑑. 実業之日本社, 2011.https://iss.ndl.go.jp/books/R100000096-I002113863-00, 9784408453170
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