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Gautam Adani takes on plan to redevelop Mumbai’s biggest slum
from UK homepage (2024/11/20 12:29:52)
from UK homepage (2024/11/20 12:29:52)
Locals and opposition parties denounce tycoon’s bid to rehouse 1mn people in crowded part of India’s financial capital
1. 人工知能と法(国立国会図書館サーチで検索するには)人工知能と法に関する資料は、国立国会図書館サーチで、請求記号「A491-*」や「AZ-491-*」、キーワード「人工知能」「AI」「生成AI」等と入力して検索することができます。2. 人工知能と法的課題AI技術の発展には法的リスクも伴うことが予想されています。例えば、次のような法律に関係する課題が出てくることが懸念されています。著作権(権利帰属主体、著作物性、権利侵害の成否などが問題となる)商標法、不正競争防止法(すでに権利取得している知的財産の類似物をAIが生成する可能性があり問題となる)個人情報保護法(生成AIに入力する情報の機密性などが問題となる)こうした法的課題や、人工知能の歴史や仕組み、活用例などについて幅広く解説されている資料を ...
Marc Rowan emerges as a top contender to be Trump’s Treasury secretary
from UK homepage (2024/11/20 11:33:39)
from UK homepage (2024/11/20 11:33:39)
Private equity billionaire is considering job and is set to meet president-elect on Wednesday
国立国会図書館デジタルコレクションバナー 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクションを利用した主題書誌『官庁刊行図書目録』 内閣印刷局刊行『官庁刊行図書目録. 第1-42号(昭和2年1月-12年6月)』(内閣印刷局, 1927~1937. )は、 各官庁において編纂又は刊行された機密以外の図書の目録です。地方官庁及び旧外地機関も掲載されています。ここでは、国立国会図書館デジタルコレクションに収録された各号の「官庁別の部」及び「分類別の部」の各目次項目のコマ(ページ)にリンクしています。第1号 昭和2(1927)年1月―3月官庁別の部内閣 宮内省 外務省 内務省 大蔵省 陸軍省 参謀本部 教育総監部 各師団 海軍省海軍軍令部 司法省 文部省 農林省 商工省 逓信省 鉄道省 行政裁判所 貴族院 衆議院朝鮮総督府 台湾総督府 関東庁 樺太庁 南洋庁 警視 ...
Milan beats London and New York as home to most expensive shopping street
from UK homepage (2024/11/20 9:01:09)
from UK homepage (2024/11/20 9:01:09)
Rents on Via Monte Napoleone have jumped as tax break schemes lure the super-rich
Boosting Photoconductivity by Increasing the Structural Complexity of Multivariate Covalent Organic Frameworks
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/11/20 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/11/20 9:00:00)
タイトル: Boosting Photoconductivity by Increasing the Structural Complexity of Multivariate Covalent Organic Frameworks著者: Gordo-Lozano, Marta; Martínez-Fernández, Marcos; Paitandi, Rajendra Prasad; Martínez, José I.; Segura, José L.; Seki, Shu抄録: The assessment of the photoconductivity of Donor-Acceptor (D-A) ordered bulk heterojunctions is gaining attention for the development of innovative organic semiconductors in optoelectronics. Here, the synthesis of pyrene-based (D) Covalent Organic Frameworks, achieve through a multivariate reaction involving two distinct acceptors is reported (A). The products are characterized using powder x-ray diffraction, N2 sorption isotherms, electronic microscopy, and in silico calculations, among other techniques. These characterizations reveal that the multicomponent synthesis enables the modification of properties (e.g., bandgap) of the framework while preserving its structural features, such as crystallinity and porosity. The orde ...
タイトル: 部局の学生相談室からの報告
タイトル: 表紙・目次・構成員・規程・奥付・裏表紙
Family events and child behavior in late childhood: a cross-sectional study
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/11/20 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/11/20 9:00:00)
タイトル: Family events and child behavior in late childhood: a cross-sectional study著者: Hosokawa, Rikuya; Tomozawa, Riho; Fujimoto, Megumi; Katsura, Toshiki抄録: Background: Children's social behavior develops through diverse experiences. However, the relationship between children's experiences of celebratory events and their behavioral development has not been previously quantified. Therefore, this study aimed to quantitatively explore this relationship. Methods: In 2020, a self-reported questionnaire was completed by 653 sixth-grade students (aged 11-12 years) and/or their caregivers in Nagoya, Aichi, a major metropolitan area in Japan. The main items surveyed were children's experiences with events celebrated by their family and their behavioral development. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire was used to assess children's behavior. This questionnaire identifies behavioral and emotional problems and prosocial behavior. Multiple regression analysis was conducted w ...
UK should use Farage as ‘bridgehead’ to Trump and Musk, says Mandelson
from UK homepage (2024/11/20 2:32:26)
from UK homepage (2024/11/20 2:32:26)
Comments by would-be US ambassador are in direct contrast to UK government policy
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