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RSS/ATOM 記事 (17806)
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ここに表示されている RSS/ATOM 記事を RSS と ATOM で配信しています。
US polling places struggle to find workers after surge in threats
from UK homepage (2024/10/20 13:00:54)
from UK homepage (2024/10/20 13:00:54)
Four in 10 election administrators have added further security measures such as bulletproof glass and panic buttons
With chancellor planning tax shake-up in this month’s Budget, Foreign Investors for Britain is trying to affect debate
The ‘north Cyprus trap’: migrant students lured with false promises
from UK homepage (2024/10/20 13:00:53)
from UK homepage (2024/10/20 13:00:53)
Government in the south condemns people-smuggling into EU from Turkish-occupied zone
PwC offers ‘managing director’ title to retain staff who will not be partner
from UK homepage (2024/10/20 13:00:53)
from UK homepage (2024/10/20 13:00:53)
Decision balances need to limit partner numbers with recruiting and retaining next level down
Back-to-back rate cuts no indication of future ECB policy, governor says
from UK homepage (2024/10/20 13:00:53)
from UK homepage (2024/10/20 13:00:53)
Slovenian central bank chief Boštjan Vasle argues central bank needs flexibility to respond to signs of persistent inflation
Collapse of construction group ISG halts urgent work on UK prisons
from UK homepage (2024/10/20 13:00:53)
from UK homepage (2024/10/20 13:00:53)
Crucial improvements at 48 sites to tackle issues such as drug use and overcrowding now in doubt
Why is it so hard to follow this first rule of flu season office etiquette
Donald Trump has made inroads with a traditionally Democratic demographic that will be crucial in the election
Nuclear energy stocks hit record highs on surging demand from AI
from UK homepage (2024/10/20 13:00:53)
from UK homepage (2024/10/20 13:00:53)
Amazon and Google deals to deploy small modular reactors are latest step in sector’s revitalisation
以下の資料と情報を紹介した。1 図書『患者調査 平成29年 下巻』(厚生労働省政策統括官(統計・情報政策、政策評価担当)編 厚生労働統計協会 2019) p224-255「第9表 推計患者数(患者住所地)」に糖尿病患者の都道府県ごとの数あり。2 インターネット情報《政府統計の総合窓口 e-Stat》(https://www.e-stat.go.jp/ 総務省統計局) 「人口動態調査 人口動態統計 確定数 死亡」(2019年) 「死因(死因簡単分類)別にみた都道府県(特別区-指定都市再掲)別死亡率(人口10万対) 」(https://www.e-stat.go.jp/dbview?sid=0003411663) 「死亡数,死因(死因簡単分類)・性・都道府県(特別区-指定都市再掲)別」(https://www.e-stat.go.jp/dbview?sid=0003411701) (注)糖尿病は、「04100_糖尿病」の欄にあり。《OMRON》(https://www.healthcare.omron.co.jp/ オムロン ヘルスケア株式会社 ...
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