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サイバー大学のHPを確認すると福岡市東区にある福岡キャンパスのみで、ここ以外にキャンパスはない。以下の資料を紹介。『通信教育の大学・短大・大学院案内 2009-2010年度用』 晶文社学校案内編集部/編集 晶文社 2008 P174-176 「ソフトバンクをはじめとする複数の株式会社により、平成19年に新設された通信制の大学。すべての授業がインターネットによるオンデマンド方式のため、時間を問わず受講でき、スクーリングなしで卒業できる。」IT総合学部と世界遺産学部の2学部。学部紹介や開講科目などが載っている。『通信教育の大学・短大・大学院案内 2013-2014年度用』 晶文社学校案内編集部/編集 晶文社 2012P200-202 2010年秋より世界遺産学部は募集停止。IT総合学部のみ。『これでいいのか福岡県福岡市:コンパクトシティは ...
from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/8/10 10:40:47)
from レファレンス協同データベース (2024/8/10 10:40:47)
『国史大辞典8』の平清盛の項には以下の記述あり。「元永元年(1118)に生まれた清盛は、祖父正盛・父忠盛が院近臣として蓄えた政治力・経済力を背景に中央政界に地位を得、忠盛死後は武家棟梁としての地位を継承する」P.903【後の調査】『日本大百科全書14』には以下の記述あり。平清盛の項目「祖父正盛、父忠盛が院近臣・受領として蓄えた政治力・経済力を背景に政界に台頭し、太政大臣従一位まで昇進。」P.587平忠盛の項目「白川・鳥羽法皇の寵を得て、越前、伊勢、河内、備前、美作、播磨、但馬などの国守を歴任する間に西国地方の武士と主従関係を形成して勢力を拡大し、経済力を築いた。院庁にも進出して院領荘園の支配にも腕を振るい、九州の神崎荘(佐賀県神崎町)で日宋貿易を行ったりした。」P.589『ポプラディア+ ...
Does kinship with the silverback matter? Intragroup social relationships of immature wild western lowland gorillas after social upheaval
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/8/10 9:00:00)
from Kyoto University Research Information Repository (2024/8/10 9:00:00)
タイトル: Does kinship with the silverback matter? Intragroup social relationships of immature wild western lowland gorillas after social upheaval著者: Tamura, Masaya; Akomo-Okoue, Etienne François; Mangama-Koumba, Lilian Brice; Wilfried, Ebang Ella Ghislain; Loïc Mindonga-Nguelet, Fred抄録: In primates living in one-male groups, the sole resident male is often an important social partner for group immatures. For such groups, however, replacement of the male and subsequent disruptions of their relationships are almost inevitable. Here, we described social relationships of immature wild western lowland gorillas within a habituated group, where two natal and eight immigrant immatures lived with the resident silverback. We recorded 5 m proximities among group members as an indicator of social closeness. We found that natal immatures spent more time within 5 m of the silverback than immigrant ones. The social closeness between the silverback and the younger immigrant immatures sh ...
Widowed pensioners ‘could be owed thousands’ in UK state pension
from UK homepage (2024/8/10 8:01:42)
from UK homepage (2024/8/10 8:01:42)
Former minister warns of new group hit by potential underpayments
Students take charge of Bangladesh megacity after ousting Sheikh Hasina
from UK homepage (2024/8/10 8:01:42)
from UK homepage (2024/8/10 8:01:42)
Protesters who toppled the long-ruling prime minister now control the streets of Dhaka, but challenges loom
US accuses Israeli far-right minister of ‘misleading’ Gaza ceasefire comments
from UK homepage (2024/8/10 5:59:08)
from UK homepage (2024/8/10 5:59:08)
John Kirby says Bezalel Smotrich’s views will ‘sacrifice the lives of Israeli hostages and his own countrymen’
UK considers forcing tech firms to remove ‘legal but harmful’ content after riots
from UK homepage (2024/8/10 4:57:00)
from UK homepage (2024/8/10 4:57:00)
Proposals come as first person jailed for online posts that stoked far-right violence
Ukraine claims capture of key gas transit point in Russia incursion
from UK homepage (2024/8/10 3:43:54)
from UK homepage (2024/8/10 3:43:54)
Kremlin declares state of emergency in two regions as Ukrainian forces gain ground for fourth day
This week’s rout signals the end of post-pandemic stability and the beginning of a new period of unpredictability
Hargreaves Lansdown’s private equity bid could herald fees makeover
from UK homepage (2024/8/10 2:13:00)
from UK homepage (2024/8/10 2:13:00)
UK’s biggest DIY investment platform’s rivals offer services at ‘lower cost’
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